Now you must tolerate me blathering about XI wow I bet no one has missed this. SO HEY. Been playing XI again, now that XIV is gone and I finally got around to installing it on my new laptop. Eeww, installation.
(See, a friend of mine from XIV decided he wanted to try XI now, 'cause he's got nothing else to do. He started in the wrong city, though, so I finally got off my tail and changed nations, which I've always meant to do anyway, so now I can see a different storyline!) (...The first 5 missions are all fairly similar, with a build-up to the return of the Big Bad from years before the game starts, then the second 5 are all more directly related to the politics and history and everything of your specific nation. I have only done San d'Oria's because Sandy is the best and the royal Elvaan are fantastically ridiculous.)
And there I was, logged in and running around, and I suddenly realised that I am sick to death of Hisi's hairstyle. I mean. It's still cute, I still like it, but I am so sick of staring at it. And so I went and whined about it to my brother. He spent a long time playing around with dat modding in XI (changing his own hairstyle and color, making armor look different, changing monster appearances, all sorts of neat things) and he was always asking me if I wanted anything done, and I never did. BUT NOW I FINALLY HAD SOMETHING I WANTED. And of course nothing I want is ever easy, so I did not just want one of the other available player hairstyles. That would've been simple, just swap my head model with another one and, poof, different. Even if I wanted it a different colour, it'd still be easy. But no. Not that.
So he went around his old haunts finding things other people had made.
Faye Valentine? No.
Rikku! No, but that one is super adorable, even if they did put eyebrows on her, honestly, everyone knows Mithra don't have eyebrows. How about
this weird custom someone else made? Nnnno. Also why is she wearing a Griever earring. How about if we just
cut off the ponytail? Let's not.
He found a bunch and I did not like any of them. Finally, he found one exclusive to an NPC is one of the expansion packs.
This one? And ooh, that's right, she has a really neat hairstyle... But I don't want that face! Or the earring! And her ears are wrong! And her eyes are blue! And her forehead is too big because her hair there is too short! Noooo! He was probably rolling his eyes pretty hard by this point.
BUT INSTEAD OF TELLING ME TO JUST SHUT UP OMG he accepted the challenge AND. After much effort, he transplanted my face onto the new head! And changed the hair length a bit! AND FIXED THE EARS. Now Hisi has an
adorable and
fantastic new haircut and I love it and it is wonderful. eeee! (For contrast, here is her original style
from the front - with sunglasses why not - and
from the side, with a helmet on. Don't feel like swapping it all back just to take two shots. NO MORE PONYTAIL.)
Basically it is BEST and I wanted to share, so now you know.
Also next entry is probably going to be another bout of me getting rid of things. Freebies and non-freebies will both be featured, if all goes according to plan.
Crossposted from DW. Comments: