APOCALYPSE HOURS ARE REVEALED! I mean, we already knew when the servers were going offline, but now we know when to gather (... we already knew where) for The Last Stand. 1am on the 11th, I will see you soon. Soonish. Eh. (Part of my strange dream sequence last night included a bit where there was a new final boss and it was a Tarutaru - no, not a Lalafell - in a biplane - I don't know - and you had to beat him, but fortunately for everyone it was really easy.)
SO HEY I said last entry that monsters have been attacking towns. It got worse! yay! SE didn't like how easily we were dispatching everything, so they super-powered the monsters. And then people would literally spend a whole day smacking them and they would lose maybe 1% of their total hit points? Eventually the strategy turned into "send Warriors out with no armor on and have them use their job ability that reflects damage onto the attacker" and that was sort of better. And then a few people were like, you know, we had to go /pray at the symbols of the 12 deities, and now it's the end of days, maybe we need to try /praying? So they /prayed, and then they /prayed at the monsters, and OH MY GOSH sometimes it killed them! Whoa! So we determined we needed mass amounts of people wearing their deity ring to /pray at monsters. Only it didn't always work so clearly we were missing something.
Turns out what we were missing was that the GM (who are the ones spawning monsters) have been watching this madness and were so amused by our /pray efforts that they would sometimes then smack the monster dead. Only, you know, if they weren't watching closely, or standing elsewhere, or just didn't feel like it, of course it wasn't going to work. FGS.
But they thought this was really clever! So they passed along our efforts, and also some of the crazy things we've all been shouting about in town, and they put out another minor update... And now! NOW if you /pray at a monster, it's an affront to the Twelve because WHY ARE YOU PRAYING FOR OUR ATTACKERS and they strike you dead. Whoops, haha! But if you just /pray or if you /pray for a fellow player, they grant you (or your target) strength! Pretty awesome.
Also they lowered the monsters a bit, so now they can be killed but are not total pushovers, yay.
ALSO hahaha if you sleep in an inn room and then /check the bed, they're handing out free relic weapons (relic weapons are the best ones in the game and are a major pain to get, often requiring extreme amounts of time, energy, and gil). So now I have the relic weapons for both my jobs, woohoo! It's awesome. RELICS FAIRY IS BEST FAIRY.
(They can do that because, of course, the last server backup was on the 31st of October, so none of this is going to stick.)
(And of course now people are whining that we should be allowed to keep them as a reward for sticking around for the last week+. lolno. Nice try, guys.)
(Actually, I do admit I really like the idea someone tossed out of them becoming a broken weapon item that could only be used as a furnishing for our home. Broken Gae Bolg mounted on my wall? Yes, please.) (The shield and sword would be less awesome.)
UNRELATEDLY I AM CONTINUING TO BE REALLY ANNOYED AT LJ and am considering starting to disable comments on entries I crosspost over to there. I - I do not think anyone would actually notice, I mean, but there's that. It is a thing, I am thinking about it.
Crossposted from DW. Comments: