LJ keeps sending me emails telling me, oh, no! Your paid account is about to expire! You'd better hurry and give us moar monies if you don't want your paid service to be interrupted!!
LJ, piss off. I am angry with you and have no intention of giving you moar monies. Stop sucking so much and maybe I'll entertain the idea. Maybe.
I all but gave away a bunch of Transformers toys to my coworker's son. He's really digging them, and they were ones that I never really played with, so I'm glad they've gone to a better home, but it's kinda weird. I've never actually got rid of any of them before. I keep waiting for something in me to freak out and for me to go screaming over to her and demand them all back. ...Hopefully that does not actually happen. (Also last night they invited me over for a barbeque/grill/meal thing and it was a lot of fun except then I also had to go to a wedding shower today and now my social stamina's run out on me.)
Speaking of Transformers, sort of, er, there are a couple of you on my LJ friends list that I met either on the friending meme or at BotCon (if we're friends on DW, you can skip this entire paragraph. And if we're not friends on DW for whatever reason, feel free to add me. Every entry links back, anyway) that I do not see around at all anymore? Er, I am not sure if any of you are even reading this, but because I am weird about such things, I am thinking I might do a small list trim. Basically if I've seen you update or comment any time in the last four or five months, you're fine, and if you haven't, you're... probably not reading this, anyway, and won't notice or care if I remove you, but here's your fair warning, I guess? I don't know.
My life feels too cluttered right now. AND PPARENTLY JOURNALS ARE CLUTTER. Maybe I need to up my meds.
Also, hey, remember, it is April First, so keep your wits and expect people to be trying to prank you everywhere.
Crossposted from DW. Comments: