Back and finally awake! Sort of!

Jun 08, 2011 22:39

Oooh, my goodness, I was so exhausted Monday. Flew a red eye back from Pasadena and I still can't sleep on airplanes or in airports. So take a nap when you get home, right? Ah, but no. I got home around 11:30 and I had work at 2, which I had to leave for at 1, and, really, I did not trust myself to wake up if I fell asleep. So I went to work, went home, passed out in my computer chair, woke up a few hours later, got into my pjs, and went to bed properly. AND THEN WOKE UP EARLY 'cause I had to go visit my brain doctor and then work all afternoon. And then I fell asleep in my computer chair again, ugh. But I had nothing this morning, so I got lots of sleep last night and am finally feeling almost coherent again. Yay! I still plan on crashing early tonight, though. (Thankfully, I seem to have escaped the convention plague that lots of other people have come down with. Sorry to all you who were less fortunate, though! D:)

But, exhaustion aside (it happened after the fact, anyway. Who cares if I'm asleep on my feet at work?), OH MAN. I had so much fun at BotCon. ALL THE FUN. (I have a write-up / pic-spam post in the works, but it's long and time-consuming and I'm sick of typing code, so here's this one, instead.) I met so many awesome people and had such a fantastic time and eee. eee

(Speaking of all you awesome people, I have a few entries you may or may not want to read? One is a basic " intro to Jecca/'s journal" from one of the friending memes and the other is just something that comes up more than I'd like in regards to my comment-leaving habits.)

Anyway, it's 90 degrees or so with too much humidity, so I'm going to go not sit in front of the computer for a while.

travel, conventions, insert relevant tag here

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