The ice is out on Joe's Pond! Yaaay, it really is finally spring! (I guess it happened last night, and possibly it was more washed out than anything, but, woohoo.) (... hahaha, oh, god, my state is so ridiculous.)
30 Days of Video Games Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Though, I am not sure if by setting they mean an exact location or just a video game in general? I wouldn't want to live in Lufaise Meadows (though I suppose I'd be okay with the Tavnazian Safehold, or really any town aside from Bastok please not there), and I have other, prettier shots of Vana'diel in general (see some of the below!), but that's, like, THE FFXI shot. The place we all wanted to see and, once we finally could, the screenshot we all took. (This is an old shot, from way back in 2005.
This one is a bit more recent.)
BUT YEAH! Vana'diel! Whoo!
But, do I really want to live in a world with the endlessly unsettling Promyvion, and with Abyssea and the past and everything all knocking on our reality's walls? (Just... just don't ask me to enter any of them. holyshit promyvion, you are the stuff of nightmares.)
….yes, apparently.
I'd probably be dead by the end of the week, but I don't even care.
Day off tomorrow. Place bets now: will I or will I not do anything remotely productive? (Getting out of bed will not count.)
EXCITING! The next edition of the FINAL FANTASY XI Ultimate Collection will have the three Abyssea add-ons! Yay, May 16th! (Six days after the server merges and version update finally happen, whee.)
And then we can all have a Prishe statue. XD
jooooiiin uuuuuus and you'll get a cute hat