Hi! I haven't made a proper update in over a month, so here is a brief summary of my life since then:
Christmas went about as well as could be expected (I spent the day in close proximity to my father but there was no huge drama). There was actually a
neat thing wandering around the
house /
neighborhood Christmas afternoon. So awesome! Pheasaaaant. (What the poor, confused thing was doing in front of the house is matter entirely... Lost?) New Year's was boring. My brother had already gone back to school, so the three of us just sat around being boring.
I got some awesome stuff, though! First, my (Final Fantasy)
Leviathan figure came back to me (it broke from the cold in the car when I moved into the apartment back in 2009, Mom took it home to glue it, and... NEVER SEEN AGAIN) and he found a friend!
Phoenix! And I finally got the play arts Zack figure
to go with Aerith (not the greatest picture, I've since repositioned them a little better but I can't be bothered to get another shot of it). I also got a lovely, long warm jacket and a warm, fuzzy pullover. Yay, beating the cold!
Also some random other stuff. My grandmother bought me a thermos, which she thought was a sports water bottle or something? She bought one for my brother, too, which at least makes some sense, since he does a lot of sport-stuff (bouldering) at his university. Mom bought me some DVDs and most of them are awesome or at least hilarious, but I felt bad because one of them was Up and, not that I disliked Up or anything, but there are about a million other Disney movies I'd rather own first, so I was disappointed to get it. Oh, well?
(I like Up until the dogs start flying around in their little dog-planes, and at that point my brain just goes, No. And then that part ends and I like the rest of it, but, oh, man, I just cannot deal with that one part for some reason.)
And, um. Mostly January has been boring (and freaking cold, we were hovering between -10 and 0 for a few days), with the exception of last night when, for reasons I am not entirely clear on, my flatmate and I concluded that I needed to have a goatee drawn on. It disturbed the cat. Oh. And, the fan in the bathroom broke about two weeks ago and still hasn't been fixed, argh. And during the COLD, the pipes froze, so we had to venture into the spider-infested basement. Terrifying.
And Supernatural was supposed to come off hiatus BUT THEN DIDN'T because I don't know? But Top Gear is running new episodes, so who the hell cares.
Anyway, Mom was out visiting me in town today and we ran around town doing a bunch of stuff and then I came home and tried to clean my desk but instead sat around browsing the internet for ever. PRODUCTIVITY! I should be using my Moogle-go-round icon for this entry for this paragraph, alone, but apparently I am going with Rana looking surprised. Which is having the unfortunate side affect of me 'reading' this entry in her voice and sometimes I start trying to type in it. Accursed character creation process! You mess me up so bad!
Some other things are that - hey! They announced the BotCon theme! IT'S ANIMATED! They've posted Dead End (a Jazz repaint), and he is... so pretty. *_* Also, the people I was planning on going with have had to cancel on me. Does anyone want to go and need a room/mate (I currently have a double at the Sheraton, which is the hotel right next to the convention center)? I am not very loud or dirty!
(On the BotCon note, I am probably going to be selling the 2009 set figures, freebie, and Razorclaw. Is anyone interested in any of them, or should I just pawn the whole set off somewhere? I have the 2010 set, too, as well as Double Punch, but since I've never even removed them from the foam - or bag, in Double Punch's case - I'd prefer to sell that all together. These don't include the comics or pins, by the way. I KEEP THOSE.)
(Edit: minor clarification: the 2010 toys are going, that's a definite. I am still iffy on whether or not I'll be parting with all of the 2009 figures, but it's still a pretty decent chance.)
And, for those who are interested in that sort of thing - probably not many of you, but TOO BAD -
rana_mehlota will now be posting pictures / videos of LIFE IN THE STILL-RATHER-SPARSE WORLD OF FFXIV. Probably not many or often, but there it is.
But! The biggest thing* is that I went and bought a Nintendo DS lite (with help from my mother - early birthday present, go)! It is not here yet, I ordered it from THE INTERNET. But, hey! I have never owned a Nintendo system before (though I did use my brother's Gameboy to play Pokémon when we were younger). Catch me up! What are the games to own for this thing? (I mean, I have my own list of potential titles to pick up, but hit me with recommendations, anyway, if you have any. Even if you think it may already be on the list! I LIKE RECS.) (The only thing worth noting is that I really don't like Mario - I know, I'm a bad person - so I'm pretty much discounting that entire series, unless there is one that I ABSOLUTELY MUST OWN OMG or something.)
Also, any accessories I should pick up? Screen protectors are already on the list.
* Not actually The Biggest Thing, but I don't feel like writing about that right now. (It's a good Thing, at least! :3)