Squeenix, wtf are you even doing to this poor game? I mean, good on them for admitting that Eorzea needs serious, serious work (they really released it entirely too early), and I am pleasantly surprised they are going so far as to continue to not charge people for it, but... come on, this is hilarious.
I went and saw Megamind earlier this week. It was so, so much better than I thought it was going to be! (It was more of a process of elimination than any of us wanting to see it. The planning went -> We're bored, so let's do something -> ooh, movie! -> what is showing -> those sound stupid -> Megamind it is!) So I was just like, oh, whee, another supervillain redemption-whatever movie, but then it was amazing and I loved it, and also the characters were great (and! I really liked how they handled the girl / designated damsel in distress, but explaining why is, you know, full of spoilers, so not now). Highly recommend seeing it, if you get a chance!
AND NOW WORK AGGRAVATION I was bothered by a rude old man at work and it was annoying. And then he ran crying to management before I could offer to figure something out for him. He wanted icing put on some doughnuts, which, uh. I've never seen icing on the type he wanting it put on, so after figuring out what it was he even wanted - BE CLEAR DAMN IT - I started to explain to him that I'd never heard of such a thing, and that while I in no way did not believe that he'd had it done before (he kept insisting that THEY DO IT FOR HIM ALL THE TIIIIME because, yeah, no one who says that is ever lying...), I couldn't just run off and do it, and I didn't even get that far, much less get into my offering to track down a manager and ask them about it. OH NO, WE NEED TO GO FILE A COMPLAINT. I think the person he dragged over understood that I wasn't trying to make a fuss, but, still. Unamused. And going to talk to my department manager tomorrow, just in case.
... huh. I've just gone through my list of tags (trying to remember how I phrased one, and I don't remember all of these. Are people actually creating/adding tags to some entries, or am I just loosing my mind?