I was reading a fic last night! Transformers, picked it up browsing one of those rec-communities, or maybe
tfiwts, I don't remember (doesn't matter), anyway. Someone gets a car, weird things happen, DECEPTICON CAR CHASE OH NO THE CAR ISN'T RESPONDING NOW WHAT oh it's a robot and - I sit back and go, oh my god I know I've never read this but I can't prove it and what if someone accuses me of copying it?! It's just a weird fluke, I swear!. These things happen sometimes! THERE ARE ONLY SO MANY WAYS THESE SCENES CAN PLAY OUT, ANYWAY! But it was published a almost a full month before mine! And I don't think I ever posted any of that scene prior to the finished story because I was always stressed about it! AAAUGH!
A few hours later, I remember - "GT" went up in 2007, not 2008. durrr....
Still, that was a fun, what, fifteen minutes I got to spend in a state of panic, wondering how I'd defend myself should the subject ever come up. MY BRAIN. ~__~ (The fact that the first movie also goes similarly has, for some reason, never made me freak out.)
In other news, I'm going to try to make beef stew tonight.