HAHA WOW UM I just looked up at my wall to check my map of the United States. You know, the map that's never been there. The map I don't own. Oookay... I've been meaning to get some maps for the walls (I want one of those huge world maps. And also maybe maps of fictional places! They are hard to come by, though, and usually expensive. I don't know why I want them, I have plenty of maps in books... but I just do) for a while, but I think this is a sign I need to step that up.
Anyway, I've had this idea for a little while now (ooh, look,
I can pinpoint it!) that I want to do an... "interactive" is the wrong word. That's more like 'choose your own adventure' type stuff. But, I want to write ... something and directly involve the readers in it. The idea I can pinpoint the date of is that I would write a story, start posting it, and between posts, send out letters written from one of the character to another (or notes or... whatever random other thing).
I cannot shake this idea. This entry will probably solve that, knowing myself.
I also can't come up with anything I'd write it for. (Aside from the FFVIII thing that's currently beating me senseless.) Original characters would, obviously, be easiest, since I can do whatever I want with them, but also most uninteresting for everyone else.
And obviously the letters wouldn't be able to hold actual plot details, since people not directly involved would probably want to get the full story... or maybe I could save a copy and post it as an entry later. I DON'T KNOW. There’s a long list of reasons why it wouldn’t work, but it won’t go away.
Since I'm being a twit about writing again, anyway, last night/early this morning, I was reading through some of my older entries (I was looking for a particular one, but I couldn't remember most of the details, just a vague sense of when it might have been posted) and got completely sidetracked rereading some other stuff and now I have SOMETHING on the brain again and oh my god this, while perhaps not the absolute last thing I need, is certainly right up there. So now there's a word doc sitting in my writing folder that I don't like the existence of, and I'd delete the evidence but I kind of like the paragraph (and two sentences) it contains. Which is a bad sign. I'm being intentionally vague (typo lesson: apparently "ague" is a word! I did not know that) here because I'm afraid if I'm not, I will be disappointing (either one way or the other, no matter which side I come down on). Or something. Also, this way? YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING. Seriously, though, brain, you need to let it go. No sequels. (HAVEN'T MOVIES TAUGHT YOU ANYTHING?)
This entry's been sitting here for four hours and it is now tomorrow. I SHOULD PROBABLY HIT POST OR GIVE UP AND CLOSE THE TAB (this one happens more than I'm comfortable admitting) ALREADY. *coin toss!*