For reasons completely unknown to me, the people in charge of my internship decided to contact my instructor and tell him, no, it's not working, we don't want her here anymore. Not tell me at all, just tell him. They told him they were going to contact me, but I just got a message from him asking me to call because he wanted to ask me about that and, no, I hadn't heard a word, and by the way they made this decision last Thursday. I was there last Thursday!
So apparently I suck unbelievably at the thing I'm supposed to be graduating for in month's time, though I don't know how or what I was doing wrong. I thought it was going well...
They could have at least told me instead of waiting until I turned up tomorrow morning. Or told me what I was doing wrong or ANYTHING other than just waiting!
I'm trying really hard not to think of this as me having personally failed because I know - I know - that isn't necessarily the case and god, we spent how much money trying to fix me of this? But it's really hard not to right now. Maybe I did mess something up horribly, I don't know!
Oh, and I'm still eighty hours short of my required field experience time.
God, I just... fuck.
Also, you know, completely unrelated but also full of fail and woe,
Douglas is still a shithead, if we're going to use Jon Stewart's words for it. Stupid me had kind of hoped Iowa's decision might've made him pause and use his brain for half a minute, but I guess not.