New adapter.

Jun 28, 2008 00:28

Fastest delivery ever.

...... you know. Boxes get in and, with only a few exceptions, boxes get out.

... I HAVE A PLAN. Haha.

Now I need to find a suitable box.

Yeah, you know, I think it's just a hidden effect on Wastelanders. Speed+ while racing in Spargus areas. Kleiver held first for the majority of that race. ... then I blew him up, but whatever.

Also, I really like it when Spargus races take us through the original track, because I find that one really easy and can use my boost through the entire thing.

I'm really surprised the Icelands only had one event this time around.

The Green Eco Cup Grand Prix unlocked a few races ago but, like with the Red Eco Cup, I'm going through and completing everything. You never know. It might be worth something later, right? Being obsessive about power cells got me a onus ending in the original game... (Mostly here I'm worried they'll make me go back and do anything I missed before they let me finish the game, so I'm just avoiding the potential problem by doing it all the first time through.) (I just went poking around on GameFAQS looking for some sort of clue, but there's nearly nothing about Jak X on these, so I'll just continue to drive myself mad trying to place first everywhere.)

Blast! Someone actually collected ten artifacts and it wasn't me. I was only one off! (Which, okay, was pretty good, considering everyone else picked up three or more by the time I got to my first one.)

Ashelin's gonna get 'em all! I think of Pokémon, even though the wording's slightly wrong.

Ah! Made it to ten that time! :D

Last race before the cup! And it's Haven City. I'd like to imagine this one won't murder me completely, since I've gone speeding through the streets before (both in racing situations and non), but they're probably not going to follow any layout I'm familiar with. Besides, it's been another year. Last game they'd completely rebuilt sections of town, so who knows what it's going to look like now?

Crud! They're taking us through parts of some of the other Haven tracks. That alone's not surprising, since they do that everywhere, but they've chosen the area's I'm absolutely awful at navigating! Boooo.

... It seems that they've rebuilt the stadium area? MORE BOOOO.

Ah! But, despite everything, I won on my first try! On to the Green Cup Grand Grand Prix!

Kleiver, muscle-bound god of track thunder? ... okay, Blitz? Meanwhile, I am nimble like lightning-quick! ... is it, perchance, orange lightning which I am like? I could change my paintjob... Except I like the blue, so, no.

Yaay, everyone wants me dead! ... Yaay, Jak totally doesn't care! Daxter disagrees adamantly with this stance.

Pecker gets the last word in! Go, Pecker! It's about time you got to cut Blitz off, for a change! (Also, laughing at everyone's expressions again.)


... Just remember, self: you don't need to place first. You just need to be best overall. ... you don't do that by crashing into the second to last wall, for the record.

Second track is the mountain top highway in the Icelands! Hopefully I do better here. Ashelin and Kleiver are both ahead of me. I know this track better, though. Of course, knowing it better means I take lead faster, and by a wider margin, which means peace maker blasts murder me dead because even going in reverse doesn't allow anyone else to pass me.

Okay, second place. You were behind UR-86, and he (... it?) didn't beat you last race. That's good, that's okay. You placed top for kills this round, too, and tied for lowest deaths. You've got first. Just hold onto it.

Last round's a tour through the Spargus tracks. Come on, you can do this! Even if Kleiver is going to appear to have a latent speed burst effect, the dirty cheater.

Peace maker outsmarting! ... and when that fails later... walls respawn faster. >.>

I took second and I'm actually afraid to check my overall standing now, because I know I didn't win this. Ugh. I needed to not do that.

Shit. Dx Yeah, no.

Just retry. ... They don't make me retry until I get Gold, so why am I doing this to myself? Silver's good. There's nothing wrong with Silver, is there?


Okay, okay, excellent. I took first (or tied for the best score) in everything through the Forbidden Jungle the second time through.

Bwa! I love the red shield! I just survived three separate peace maker blasts! And Ashelin, who placed second in the first event, came in sixth. And I somehow have the lowest death count this round. SIX POINT LEAD! If UR-86 takes first, I have to place fourth or better, and I completely just jinxed myself. *knocks on wood*

If he doesn't, I can do significantly worse. Like. Sixth place worse.


... Jak's secret to winning is "clean air." Ha!

Blitz seems really bent on this "no, really! PEOPLE WILL TRY TO KILL YOU! Doesn't that make you want to leave? Go away? Back out? GOODBYE?!" thing. It's funny how we keep giving cryptic answers that are, you know, frighteningly honest.

Dying to win, probably dead already... eugh.

Jak, try to look a little more bored, there. No, really. I bet you can't. That was completely a threat, by the way. I hope you didn't miss the THREAT there.

... So. Bets on Blitz actually being Mizo?

Ooooh, that is a pretty new car.

So, tangent. It is amazing the things randomly clicking around the internet will get you. I started with checking the DeviantART profile of a Transformers artist I really like and, as happens entirely too often, got distracted clicking around to other profiles from comments left on stuff. It eventually led me to this piece of brilliance. Yeah, Dax. You tell him. Because, WHAT THE HELL, JAK. WHAT. THE. HELL.

(And now I'm going to always be picturing Daxter reaching down and swatting Jak every time he says one of those ridiculous lines, and that will make me laugh even more than the things already do.)

Anyway, now we're in the Blue Eco Cup! And, wow. The choices are ... well, I can do the Eastern Tour Circuit Race in Haven City.

... aaaaand, that's it.

Yeah. Well, then. Guess we're off!

This track is really hard. I'd... elucidate, but that would only entail a descent into profanities.

JUST ERGH. I can't make some of these turns, and then I fall behind, and then I can't pick up any weapons to make my way back towards the front because everyone else has picked them up. And then when I finally do pick something up, somehow, when I fire it off, I go into a spin and end up backwards and everyone has respawned by the time I've turned myself back around. TEETH GNASH. CHEW ON CONTROLLER. ARARAR.

Forget it. I can't win this. I'll come back to it, because even racing in it has unlocked some other stuff. I just can't do it. I can't. .... I probably don't need gold medals everywhere, anyway. Silver's pretty good, isn't it? Who am I kidding? We all know I'll be back.

Nng. Death Race. Barely made it, 196/180. Was at 176 with two seconds on the clock left, so, yay for huge-explosion-causing weapons.

Possibly I think I'm burning out on this game.

... ... and then I finish my best Freeze Rally ever, without a single death and beating the timer by almost half a minute. Don't mock me, game.

Rayn's been going through Krew's stuff and has found more on the will - his journal. ... ah. The winner of the race will become the head crime family: "win the other's dirty business." God, no wonder everyone (well, okay, Mizo and his lackeys) wants us to leave and/or die.

... Jak, no. No, you're not going to win. Have you not noticed how poorly you've been doing of late? This is only the second-to-last cup. What do you think the finals are going to look like?

Also, don't trust her. No, I don't care if she seems sincere. No, I don't care if she's pretty or whatever. I'm quite sure that it's impossible to be related to Krew and not be involved in his business somehow.

And then I score ten on my first try in the artifact race. You've not convinced me I've not burned out yet, game. I WON'T BACK DOWN FROM BEING SICK OF CRASHING IN THE CIRCUIT RACES.

...... yyyeah, no, Rayn doesn't know we killed Krew. She indirectly suggested we might want to consider playing dirty ourselves, since we can't know Mizo will keep his word. No one cares - and, as Ashelin points out, while Krew might've thought it would be a good idea not to leave things to chance, she doesn't think modeling one's life after Krew is a stellar idea.

"I won!" .... No, Jak. Second place isn't winning.




Daxter, no. That was not winning.

Though I'm considering calling it quits on this one, too. Look, I'm sorry, guys, but I don't like racing. If it's going to aggravate me trying to get a Gold medal, I'm going to call Silver good enough on the lower end, less important races. Last time, this.

NUUUU! The first qualifier for the Blue Eco Grand Prix is a Freeze Rally. Noooooo..... Though I won't have to worry about anyone else blowing me up, I suppose.

Scene, first. Ah, Bloody Hook is the name of the bar? Is Razer, here, kind of like the Erol of Jak II? (Clearly of the second game, actually, since his name was just written EROL and not ERROL. Clearly. CLEARLY!!!) We hear all about his racing skills, but we've not seen him on the track, ever. Final round/s only thing?






22 milliseconds left on the clock. I was sure I'd fail utterly. Waaah, nerves.

Okay. Kleiver. We get it. You don't like Jak. ... Yeah, I said we get - We get - KLEIVER!

This has to go beyond "you beat me at a race once and I didn't get to eat Daxter." Not that I have the faintest clue what it could be, but this is just slightly insane if it's really just a grudge from, you know, a year ago.

... So, is this 'apparently working for Mizo the crime lord' thing new or not, Kleiver?

That Deathmatch went extraordinarily well. I scored ten while Ashelin and Sig only scored 2, Cutter 1, and the other two, zero. (So HA, Kleiver.)

... Yeah, the cars thing isn't new. ... STOP THAT IT'S CREEPY. I'M SORRY, OKAY, I JUST THINK IT IS. I DON'T KNOW WHY.


Oooh, Razer's been retired? I, er, missed that somehow. But he's coming back just for me. ... how nice. I clearly needed to have not mused on why we weren't seeing Razer anywhere, because now we're going to see him, and I don't really want to die more than I already am... Woe.

The next collection of cutscenes.

Actually, maybe I'll just end this here. That's a good enough stopping place, anyway isn't it? (Though, I'm not sure, maybe marking entries off with the cutscene collections won't end well. I've still got a ways to go, and there's only one more video of scenes...)

Death List!

Spargus Badland Sanctuary Circuit Race:
Wall: 1

Kras Dirt Stadium Artifact Race:
Fail: 1

Haven City Circuit Race:
Wall: 4
Kleiver: 4

Green Eco Cup:
Event 1
Placing: THIRD >_<
UR-86: 1
Kleiver: 1

Event 2
Placing: SECOND
UR-86: 1
Wall: 1
Reset: 1

Event 3
Placing: SECOND
Wall: 1
UR-86: 1
Kleiver: 1
Reset: 1

Fail: 1

Event 1
Placing: FIRST!
Kleiver: 1
UR-86: 1
Reset: 1

Event 2
Placing: FIRST!
Sig: 1
Wall: 1

Event 3
Wall: 2
Sig: 1

Haven City Eastern Tour Circuit Race:
Fail: 5
Wall: 16
Cutter: 5
Ashelin: 1
Kleiver: 4
Reset: 4
Sig: 2
Torn: 1
Edje: 5
Fall in Water!: 1
** Quit on Silver**

Kras Loading Docks Death Race:
Wall: 1

Icelands Icebound Citadel Freeze Rally:
Wall: ...... o_O zero.

Spargus Desert Arena Artifact Race:
Torn: 1

Spargus Canyon Run Circuit Race:
Cutter: 2
Sig: 2
Wall: 1
Ashelin: 1
Reset: 2
Fail: 2
Shiv: 4

Spargus Beachfront Drive Rush Hour:
Fail: 5
Wall: 1
Haha, whoops, crashed myself to death (alternately, WATCH OUT FOR THE RED ONES): 1
Reset: 1
**Quit on Silver**

Kras City Seaport Strip Turbo Dash:
Wall: 2

Qualifier 1:
Wall: 1

Haven Clifftop Battlefield Deathmatch:
Ashelin: 1
Sig: 1


death list!, jak x: combat racing, computer woelessness, jak and daxter, deranged game ramblings

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