From a conversation during LoL

Nov 16, 2012 22:39

Mik: So one of my co-ops is like, the hell you will! I'll just embezzle the shit out of this company and run off to the Bahamas.
All: *variations of...* Oh god. Ahahahah! etc.
Mik: Naturally, I could not breathe for the next five minutes and kept breaking out into giggles for the rest of the meeting, so my co-ops thought I was batshit insane.
Mik: Finally I explain to him, the co-op who threatened to run away, that he picked the ONLY country on the face of the earth where I could legitimately get away with murdering him.
All: *general laughter*
Ej: So when he tells me this over Gchat, I tell him to relay the following to his co-op.
Ej: "You arrive in the Bahamas, already sweating from the humidity. You've passed customs, feeling pretty good about yourself because the officer has just waived you through since you're obviously a tourist."
Ej: "Then you get to the welcoming area and you see a sign with your name on it. The man carrying it is a tanned, 6 foot 2 bald guy, grinning merrily, perhaps slightly maniacally."
Ej: "Your stomach drops. He sees you see the sign and flips it over. It now says, 'Run.'"
All: *general laughter*
Bryan: Oh god *wheeze* All I can see is this poor kid booking it through the terminal, tripping over bags, going sprawling, looking over his shoulder in terror.
Bryan: And behind him Ej is just SKIPPING in pursuit, *wheeze* gaily dodging the luggage, hopping over carts, just leisurely skipping after him.
Bryan: And a big ol' grin on his face because he's just so happy to finally have something to do.
Kayleigh: Ej, how does it feel to know that your friends all think you're a psychopath?
Ej: Are you kidding me? I actively cultivate the image.
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