Please direct your optical nerves in the general directions of this post.
A "company," though I hesitate to apply such a fucking professional term to these sphincter licking fuckwits is currently selling bootleg Homestuck merch at Anime North. Said company is this set of
STD-ridden douchebags.
Evidence of their rapacious misdeeds can be found
HERE from the lady who runs Homestuck's online store.
Not only is this scumbaggery of the first degree, this is trampling over and undercutting the efforts of legitimate fans who have abided by Homestuck's
GENEROUS AS FUCK policy on fanworks, which allows TALENTED and HARDWORKING fans to GENERATE A PROFIT off SOMEONE ELSES intellectual property.
This is theft. Please bring this to the attention of Anime North staff ASAP. I don't ask much of you.
That is all.