[Who:] Severus Snape, Martha Jones, and James Potter [Complete] and Sirius Black and James Potter [ONGOING]
[What:] Look what the cat dragged in.
[When:] Day 53, four in the morning
[Where:] 43 Main Street
[Warnings:] Semi-public drunkenness, domestic disturbance, and property damage. More to follow.
After the events of the night before, Severus Snape had stormed out of the apartment at 43 Main Street without any particular goal in mind. He needed air. Space. Time. He had wandered - carefully avoiding the temptation the cinema presented in the form of murdering Sirius Black (hadn't he told Potter to stay away from there?) - with the vague intention of finding the park. However, the park was apparently deciding not to be found tonight.
He had wound up instead at Clyde's Bar. As one might imagine, this had not led to anything good given his track record of dealing with situations involving Martha Jones. The situation wasn't quite as bad this time, of course: he was drinking not to get blisteringly intoxicated, but to have some way to avoid going back to the apartment.
An hour or so before sun-up, he forgot what it was he was meant to be avoiding. Well-lubricated by then, he arrived back at 43 Main, tried the handle and, finding it locked, proceeded to not only forget how keys were meant to work, but where the apartment key might have been if he knew how to use it. Under normal circumstances any intelligent, sober wizard would remember that there existed a spell specifically for unlocking doors. Said wizard would have come in quietly, gone to his room, and passed out on the bed. Snape was intelligent and a wizard, and while two out of three ain't bad, there is a delicate balance between intelligence and intoxication. His level of intoxication, while not "blistering" as mentioned earlier, was far enough to disrupt that balance.
He drew his wand and used it to destroy the door handle entirely.