Backdated to Day 50

Mar 08, 2011 20:10

Who: Derek
When: Mid-Morning
Where: Out and about town

Emily had not gone to work. There wasn't a chance in hell that she would willingly don a set of janitor coveralls and scrub toilets just because some madman thought it would be funny. Not in this lifetime. Not in any  lifetime. Granted, even if she had decided to go she wouldn't have known what she was supposed to be cleaning anyway. From what she had seen Peaksville didn't exactly have a plethora of public buildings and West had been a little vague on the details.

Instead, she decided to take the time to do a little exploring, try and get whatever bearings she could given the strange nature of the entire situation. She had planned on at least starting her search the previous day, and perhaps technically, she had. After leaving Morgan & Morgan to hash out whatever it was that needed hashing, she went looking for the door to match her key, finding it without too much trouble and settling in the room she assumed to be hers (if the name on the coveralls was anything to go by). Given her game plan, it had been a mistake to sit on the bed. With the shock wearing off, or her growing number to it, whichever, her body remembered that she had been snatched after a particularly long day at the BAU and that she was more than a little exhausted. She had fallen asleep within minutes.

But early to bed, early to rise had some merits. She had been up and out before, as far as she could tell, any of her presumed housemates had even awakened. After the coverall discovery, she did not relish finding out just how exactly West had cast this Real World experiment gone wrong.

It had been a little eerie walking around, alone, so early the sun hadn't truly come out yet, she could willingly admit that, no problem. It was almost to be expected, what with the empty streets and disquieting nostalgic quality of the town. But as the sun had risen, she found that she could almost-but-not-quite enjoy her little solo tour. If she weren't being kept here against her will, it probably would have struck her as a nice little place.

She was nearing Main Street when her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten in quite a while. She remembered seeing a restaurant or two earlier. Maybe she would grab some breakfast.

derek morgan, emily prentiss, [day 50]

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