
Mar 08, 2011 18:34

Who: Martha Jones and open.
What: Wandering and eventually the doctor's office. Multiple threads encouraged!
When: Day 51
Where: Town Square!

Martha Jones was freezing, and she looked like hell. )

capt jack harkness, [day 51], [log]:, martha jones, the doctor [fifth]

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Comments 26

I'm in ur tag, usurping ur Martha. :D smilesnbracers March 9 2011, 04:43:18 UTC
"Well, this isn't exactly what I was expecting," Jack said out loud to no one in particular as he found himself standing in the middle of the town square. He'd just come from his little meeting with West where he was informed that he wasn't real. Honestly, the whole conversation didn't phase him at all. It was actually a relief to think that he really didn't have a choice when it came to Steven. Hey, maybe it meant that none of it ever happened. Steven never died. Neither did Tosh or Owen ( ... )


Yay! thegooddrjones March 9 2011, 05:17:03 UTC
The mask was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. It was handcrafted and it was made of leather and the weight in her hand wasn't something that she'd expected by any stretch of the imagination. It felt old to her, and it certainly felt real. As she lifted it, black ribbons dangled down her arms in coils, and she extended it towards her face. It had nearly reached her skin before she heard an exceptionally familiar voice call out her name.

Oh my god, it was Jack. It was Jack. She hadn't seen him in ages and ages and bloody hell had she missed him. When she'd last seen him aboard the Barge, he'd been a complete wreck and she'd needed to stop him from shooting the Master over and over. Things had been strained between them ever since ( ... )


:D smilesnbracers March 9 2011, 06:48:47 UTC
A chuckle escaped Jack as Martha practically flew into his arms. He held her tight, not put off by the awkwardness of the strange mask she was holding, and lifted her off the ground slightly before putting her down. After everything he'd been through since the last time he saw her, it was a relief to see a friendly face that didn't know what he'd done. At first, when the 456 had returned, he had wished for her help, but now was glad she hadn't been around. He didn't think he could stand even more looks of pity and disappointment.

That was then and this was now and more than anything, Jack was happy to see her.

After a few moments, he pulled back and looked at her... and immediately noticed the injuries. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking serious and concerned. He gently touched her face to examine it closer. "What's going on here? Are we under attack?" He looked around again cautiously, but everything seemed calm and peaceful.


cue "running across meadows" track :P a_bit_put_upon March 9 2011, 05:54:31 UTC
Though the televisions had startled him for a moment, the Doctor was, on the whole, finding himself less and less inclined to be put out by his predicament, whatever it really was. The more he wandered, and the more people attempted to explain, the more he was reminded of a strange and alarmingly similar situation a very long time ago: his time in the Land of Fiction. While the West fellow looked nothing like the Master of Fiction, his attitude had been very familiar indeed... and the Doctor was beginning to wonder if the Barge weren't under the same constraints that situation had been ( ... )


thegooddrjones March 9 2011, 06:03:22 UTC
She'd tied the black ribbons of the mask together, weaving them around her arm. The gold of the mask dangled from her non-injured wrist like some sort of antique and ornate purse. Her thoughts were dark and preoccupied, filled with wonder about the mask that she'd discovered and whatever the hell else that West possibly could have planned. Her hand ached, and she wondered who's ache she was borrowing, and there was a moment when she wished that she could shout from the rooftops that people really shouldn't do stupid and mad things like punching walls ( ... )


a_bit_put_upon March 9 2011, 06:44:34 UTC
Though with barely a chance to transfer the toy to his pocket, the Doctor wasn't at all displeased by the reaction: it meant she remembered him, or at least he hoped she did. And if she did, it meant there had to be a way back--or at least a link there somehow--and if there wasn't, there had to be a way to bring the TARDIS through so he could take all three of them out of there. It meant that West's words had been at least some measure of rubbish ( ... )


smilesnbracers March 9 2011, 23:02:29 UTC
Jack was in the middle of asking Martha what was going on, and how she'd been injured when another voice called out for her. He broke their hug and looked in the direction of the voice. There was a man there (a rather nice looking man), who obviously Martha knew, judging from the smile the spread across her face. There seemed to be a pause, though Jack wasn't sure it actually happened as it was so fast it was barely noticeable.

Standing aside, he watched as Martha ran to the other man, threw her arms around him and kissed him fiercely. It was almost a strange site, but really only because she was still holding that strange mask.

A wide smile spread across Jack's face as he watched from a distance, wanting to give them a bit of space for a minute before intruding. It was obvious to Jack that it was some sort of reunion between two people who were very close ( ... )


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