(no subject)

Feb 21, 2011 21:00

Who: The Morgans: Debra and Derek
What: Some fighting!
When: Day 49, late afternoon
Where: Main Street

Debra just watched as Emily walked away. The female Morgan was none to pleased with the manner in which the woman had pretty much told the two of them that they were acting like idiots. Hell, they were acting like idiots, and Debra knew she was acting more like her old self rather than the new. Fuck. Just fuck.

However, Debra was pretty fucking amused that the woman had done what she would have under different circumstances and called Derek an ass. Well, maybe she liked the woman anyway. Well, maybe she would have if it didn't drive the idea home that perhaps she was just another who was fulfilling Derek's type. After all, they were both skinny and brunette and sweary...

And she needed to stop, she really did. This was fucking insane of her. Her jaw set and her mouth moved slight askew and for a moment she almost sucked her teeth at this entire thing. She was not fucking Astor's age and could handle this without throwing a fit. Mostly. Kinda. Well, fucking maybe.

When Debra Morgan spoke, it was a twist of her head and a fluid movement of her shoulders. "So how was your fucking day, dear?

derek morgan, [log]:, [day 49], debra morgan

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