First Day of Work

Feb 15, 2011 01:47

Who: Wilson and OPEN
Where: The doctor's office
What: The Doctor is IN.
When: Day 50, bright and early.

The doctor's coat fit him

He slipped it on and it was almost like being back at PPTH, if he closed his eyes. He sighed and smoothed his hands down his chest, pressing out the last of the non-existent wrinkles. It wasn't perfect, he wasn't home, he didn't have his regular practice, but this was certainly better than nothing. It certainly couldn't be as stressful. At least the majority of his patients wouldn't have a death sentence hanging over their heads.

Or maybe they did. It just wasn't the sort he could try and kill with drugs and radiation.

With a sigh, he locked up the door to his room and made his way down to the clinic. He'd taken a look around the office the day before. It seemed to hold everything a standard 1950's doctor's office would have, which really wasn't all that different from what the clinic at PPTH. Basic doctoring hadn't really changed, just some knowledge and technology and Wilson sincerely hoped that he'd never need anything like an MRI machine around here. Now, he just kind of wished he'd paid more attention to the medical history portion of his studies, but that was neither here nor there now.

After making sure everything was in order, Wilson unlocked the front door and turned the sign proclaiming that the Doctor, was in fact, in. All he could do then was wait. The part he definitely wasn't used to in his line of work.

derek morgan, james wilson, ziva david, [log]:, [day 50], greg house

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