
Jan 31, 2011 22:59

Who: House and open
What: Finding his way to his new home
When: After being brought back from the cornfield
Where: The park.

A new sense of perception... )

james wilson, [log]:, [day 49], greg house

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manipulatvebtch February 2 2011, 06:01:36 UTC
Wilson had been looking everywhere for House. He didn't really have a clear memory of much after finding the DVD and seeing House disappear at the Christmas party, but somehow he just knew that House was back. It really wasn't a new sensation to him, he'd always just figured he had a sort of House homing beacon. The thing he really didn't know was exactly where in Peaksville House might be.

In the time that House was gone, not only had the boarding house disappeared, again, but he'd managed to find his new place of residence. It was appropriately located above a doctor's office and Wilson was pleasantly surprised to find he had a shiny new doctor's coat. This place may be shit, but at least he could really start helping people again.

These were the thoughts he was startled from when he had the sudden and distinct knowledge that his friend was back. He shuddered to think what House had had to agree to for West to let him out and Wilson was more than a little concerned. Not really knowing where else to start, he went back to where the boarding house had been, figuring anyone that didn't know it was gone would go to that location immediately.

It was on his way there that he spotted House limping along towards where the house used to be. "House!" he called after him, trying to keep the worry out of his tone and failing miserably. He jogged to catch up, suddenly even more worried about his friend.


house_onthehill February 2 2011, 21:19:41 UTC
If the diluted shine in his blue eyes weren't proof enough, House tried to locate the origin of Wilson's voice. "Wilson?" Inside, he was thankful his best friend had survived the encounter with West. He tried REALLY hard to keep the smile from his face; at least he got to see him naked. "I'm right here, mother hen."


manipulatvebtch February 3 2011, 02:58:42 UTC
It wasn't hard to tell that there was something wrong with House, though it wasn't immediately apparent exactly what it was. There was something in the way he was carrying himself that had Wilson sporting his infamous concerned look.

"I can see that," he replied, a bit breathless from his short jog to House's side, and of course, with no idea yet that it would sound a little harsh if he'd known House was blind. He moved to stand in front of House, hands poised on his hips, and frowned as House's eyes moved strangely, as if they couldn't focus on anything.

A chill went through Wilson's body as he eyebrows furrowed. "House?" he said, voice low and questioning and full of worry. "House, what happened?"


house_onthehill February 3 2011, 03:16:03 UTC
"Dying sucks. Coming back? Even worse. Yes, I'm blind," House answered as honestly as possible; in their relationship, he grew to be more honest than before. He tries to reach out and caress him, without him knowing he wasn't the only one who'd changed.


manipulatvebtch February 3 2011, 04:41:59 UTC
"Oh Jesus," Wilson gasped. Shock flooded him. Blind? What the hell? It didn't make sense. "What the Hell happened?" His voice was filled with shock and worry and confusion. He'd heard about making deals to get out of the cornfield, but he'd never expected anything like this.

"Did he just drop you out here? Alone and no way to get around?" There was anger his voice now, mixing with all the other emotions swirling around in there.

And then there was this sudden and random (and completely out of character to Wilson) caress. He hadn't seen it coming at all, so he didn't have the wear with all to dodge it. He stood stock still, eyes wide with shock. It was an accident. That couldn't be what I thought it was. It's just because he can't see and was trying not to bump into me. The thoughts ran through his head quick as lightening and he took a deep breath before moving away.

"I, um," he said awkwardly, clearing his throat. He'd meant to say something, to brush this all off and get back on track to finding out exactly what had happened.


house_onthehill February 3 2011, 12:58:45 UTC
That...wasn't the reaction House expected. Wilson would've either leaned into it or huffed and puffed at the blatant retort. "Are you all right?" he had to ask.


manipulatvebtch February 3 2011, 13:35:38 UTC
The confusion in Wilson increased tenfold. Why would House be asking him that. "I'm fine. I'm not the one that got sent to the cornfield and traded his eyesight to get out. I think maybe I should be the one to be asking you that."

Wilson did huff and puff then, but more in concern than anything else. Something, aside from House's lack of sight, was wrong here.


house_onthehill February 3 2011, 13:55:21 UTC
Okay, Wilson apparently forgot their liason by the sound of his voice. But why? Why would he do that? House asked himself; he still remembered that long ago confession Wilson gave him while he had the power to coerce. Would those emotions have changed?

"I'm fine but I want to know if you're a goddamn pod person."


manipulatvebtch February 4 2011, 02:08:06 UTC
House's words stung and he was briefly relieved that House couldn't see the look of hurt on his face. Wilson knew that it would only lead to teasing and ridicule. As much as he was used to House being an ass, it didn't mean it didn't hurt and for some reason, just then he was having problems hiding it as much as he normally did.

"You think I'm a pod person? You just touched me without trying to play a joke. Just a casual touch, but you don't do casual touches. Shouldn't I be the one asking what's wrong with you?" It came out a bit harsher than he would've preferred, but the bottom line was, House's outburst and out of character actions were scaring him.


house_onthehill February 4 2011, 02:34:59 UTC
Yep, memories are gone. And yes, that fucking hurt. "You're right. I'm still reeling from loss of sight," and there's the original House again. He even does a southern belle accent to bring it home. "Don'tchu worry sugar, won't be happenin' again. Now take this pretty gal home. I live at #12."

Guess I'll just have to win him again...Challenge accepted, West.


manipulatvebtch February 4 2011, 04:50:31 UTC
Wilson breathed in deeply and let it out slowly when House went into the accent. House was just teasing him, of course. How could he have been so stupid?

"Come on," Wilson said with his typical 'annoyed and slightly amused by House's antics' tone. He took House by the arm, worried just slightly that House would try to walk alone without any guidance. "Wait, which street? West seems to have scattered everyone all over town."


house_onthehill February 4 2011, 04:58:40 UTC
"22 Main Street, house number #12, okay?" he answered. "I am not a pity case. I want to be a doctor regardless of what West thinks."


manipulatvebtch February 4 2011, 05:57:40 UTC
Confusion creased Wilson's face and he came to a stop almost before he'd even started walking. The address House gave him simply didn't make any sense. After the Christmas party when everyone had received their keys, Wilson had done what he figured everyone else had done, tried to figure out where the hell they were going to be living. At the time, Wilson had had no idea where to even begin, so he'd wandered around town, feeling lost in more ways than one. It was during his wanderings that he'd come across the little doctor's office and he hadn't been able to resist. It was here that he discovered his new doctors coat and what locks his new keys went to.

They were for a room located above the doctor's office... at 22 Main Street.

"No one's pitying you and I don't see why you can't still diagnose. You never needed to see a patient to do your job before," he said, sounding a bit distracted. And then, "are you sure you're okay? Other than the obvious I mean. Does your head hurt? Is there something you're not telling me?" He was worried, but also fishing to see if House was just messing with him. Honestly, the only time Wilson had ever come across a group of house's that had different numbers but the same address, like House seemed to be saying, was in townhouse complexes and he hadn't seen anything like that in all of Peaksville.


house_onthehill February 4 2011, 21:39:53 UTC
"Just pissed off and all will be revealed in due time," House concluded ambivalent at the situation present. "I do suffer from a slight headache and vertigo left over from the reveal and cornfield trip."

Unlike himself, he wanted Wilson to remember and not force him to do so. "West wanted me to sell pencils in some street corner like a peddler," he added to his story and grinned a bit; like a child who broke the vase and managed to get away with it. "How long have you been here in the Town of the Damned?"


manipulatvebtch February 5 2011, 00:15:19 UTC
Wilson's eyes narrowed slightly. It wasn't often that House actually admitted to being angry. Usually he just resorted to doing something immature. He must be really thrown off by all of this. Then again, who wouldn't be? Honestly, Wilson hadn't seen House this off balance since the infarction, no pun intended.

Other than that, House didn't really seem too out of sorts, considering. Then again, House wasn't exactly acting like himself either.

"He wanted you to sell pencils? Seriously, for someone who claims to have created all of us, he really doesn't seem to know some of us very well. It's probably one of his cruel jokes." Wilson shook his head in disgust. No wonder House was pissed off, if that was what West had told him.

Wilson immediately started to worry again when House asked him how long he'd been in town. "I've been here the better part of a month, if I recall. But you know that. You were the one that found me in the town square." The concern was once again obvious in Wilson's voice.

"Look, I'm going to get you to the doctor's office and check you out. Something's really off here," he said starting to walk again. He could explain about there being no house #12 on the way.


house_onthehill February 5 2011, 02:29:32 UTC
The off thing is you, almost slipped out of House's lips but he thankfully nipped it. "Yeah sure, whatever."


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