
Dec 20, 2010 07:15

WHO: 'Samantha'/Kirk.
WHAT: The T-X was notified by Kirk that he wants to meet her, after all. She wants his advanced knowledge.
WHERE: Kirk's room, the foolBeing allowed to choose the location for meeting was easy. The machine wanted somewhere optimised to place him at the greatest of ease, while simultaneously being private. The incident where ( Read more... )

{t-x}, james t. kirk, [day 46], [log]:

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goldn_boy December 20 2010, 07:10:34 UTC
"Come in," Jim called, lounging on his bed. Samantha could have her primary targets and her plans--Jim had cookies. By rights, he should have been well on his way to very ill by now.

He was very suspicious of Samantha, and wasn't entirely off his guard. But he didn't see any reason to inform her of that right off; if she was a danger, he'd keep an eye out, but until then she was to be given the benefit of the ever-dwindling doubt.


t_x_unit December 20 2010, 07:20:08 UTC
The door swung open. Samantha entering to let it close behind her.

"Hello, Jim."


She was smiling as she stood there, looking down upon him.

"Did James Wilson speak with you about future co-operation?"


goldn_boy December 20 2010, 07:23:10 UTC
"Hi." Jim shifted, sitting up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Nice to see you, too. Yes, Wilson talked to me about talking to you. What'd you have in mind?"


t_x_unit December 20 2010, 07:33:16 UTC
"Pooling our knowledge of power systems and directed energy weapons to detect and, if necessary, neutralise the shell surrounding us. Conventional remedies are showing no success, so far."

Sinking down to sit beside him, her gaze did not waver. Just because this was his residence, didn't mean she would treat the meeting any differently to if it had been a prison cell.

"Accomplishing this without your assistance will take much longer."


goldn_boy December 20 2010, 22:07:16 UTC
"What conventional remedies are you speaking of?" Jim asked. "I've walked as far as I can in every direction I can think of, and I don't find a barrier--I just eventually end up here. And I don't have the expertise to design anything that would detect the sort of force that would make that possible."

He tilted his head.

"Do you?"


t_x_unit December 21 2010, 00:47:41 UTC
"That's just your perception, Jim. I do."

A beat.

"Tell me what you know. I'm a very good learner. We can make it happen."


goldn_boy December 21 2010, 00:57:29 UTC
Jim spread his hands. "Then what do you need me for? We're stuck in what amounts to the dark ages, as far as I'm concerned. I have a friend back home who could have you whatever you need in a jiffy, but he's not here."

He watched her closely.

"Where are you from, Samantha? What did you do, before?"


t_x_unit December 21 2010, 02:00:42 UTC
"Because you have advanced knowledge. The community needs your knowledge, Jim. We should put it into practice. Adapt what is here."

We wasn't co-operating. Was not volunteering information. She needed specifics. Diagramas. Calculations. Lists of resources and new understandings in physics.

If the lack of co-operation continued, she was going to have to be more direct.

"Military security." Head moved a fraction over as she glanced at the sheets, taking stock of what was available to her. Tools she could adapt. "Tell me what you know, Jim. It's important. Has your technology moved beyond plasma-based reactors?"


goldn_boy December 21 2010, 04:33:58 UTC
"My knowledge is rudimentary," Jim said. "I can run my ship. I can repair certain things. But constructing something useful, from what we have here?" He shook his head. "I don't even know what we need."

Sure, he could create a weapon. He could blow things up. But that wasn't useful here.

"What did you mean, before?" he pressed. "About needing fewer people here?"


t_x_unit December 21 2010, 04:40:51 UTC
Running a ship. His ship. Repairing. It was all helping to build up a more professional personality profile and the most likely set of skills were gradually being filled in.

"It was a hypothetical idea," she excused, eager to avoid what was seen as a matter of no present importance. "Of no consequence. You should disregard it. Tell me about your weapons and common sources of power, Jim. Tell me how they function. You can draw for me. You can describe. Explain it, Jim. I want to know."


goldn_boy December 21 2010, 05:03:26 UTC
His expression grew more serious.

"I'm not going to disregard it," he said. "Frankly, some of the things you've said have been fairly disturbing, and your insistence on gaining my knowledge a little abrupt. I'm all for a healthy respect for information, but my weapons and power sources can't be of any use to us here."


t_x_unit December 21 2010, 05:26:56 UTC
She might only now possess human levels of strength, but a sudden, well-aimed shove of hand against sternum was still capable of forcing him back upon the bed. Just as a swift straddling of thighs over his hips allowed her to gain weight and leverage.

"I'm turned on by your knowledge, Jim. Tell me more... I want to reward you for it. Sexually."


goldn_boy December 21 2010, 05:38:26 UTC
The only thing keeping him from tossing her across the room--and his training was ready to do so--was the fact that he hoped it wouldn't come to that. He had enough time to restrain himself from over force, but he was primed as well as surprised. His hands wrapped around her wrists, and he held them, tight.

"That's really not necessary, Samantha," he said, nearly breathless. "Thanks?"


t_x_unit December 21 2010, 05:44:31 UTC
Head tilted and she refused to back down. It was an odd reaction, to say the least. Her arms were seemed like a model's, but she was exerting all the force of a particularly strong human male. They were shaking against his counter-move, trying to keep in position, yet she was making no other facial expression than supremely calm curiosity.

"Do you prefer males? I can pretend to be one if you wish. I'm very good at altering body posture."

Then, a moment later, a new conclusion was drawn. Her face suddenly adopting a look of sadness. Real sadness. Genuine disappointment.

Or rather, picture-perfect... Like a schizophrenic off her meds, yet one who was obviously completely in control.

"Don't do this, Jim... Don't reject me. I'll be sad if you reject me. I only want... I only want to... To help. Please... I'll do anything."


goldn_boy December 21 2010, 16:19:20 UTC
She was playing him, but the game kept changing. At least his suspicions were confirmed. Either she wasn't firing on all cylinders, or... or that was actually literal.

Still, it was hard to resist the expression, the tone, as much as it triggered his uncanny valley reflex.

"Samantha," he said quietly, calmly. "This doesn't have to be like this. Please stop, and listen to me. I'm not rejecting you. This is going a little too fast, and I have a question. I won't judge you, whatever the answer is.

"Are you human?"


t_x_unit December 22 2010, 00:57:24 UTC
"Then give me the information," she replied, quickly switching back to an absence of emotion. "I want the information."

The question cause her only a momentary pause.

"Yes. I'm human."

It was answered with a lie. No hinting in body language at it being so, for she had no psychology to play upon.

But she did descend lips to his. Thighs squeezing around his hips and crotch initiating a firm grinding motion. Subtleties were not efficient. Only direct action obtained results.


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