(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 16:52

Who: Ben and Open.
What: Ben attempts cookies.
When: Morning
Where: Boarding house kitchen

Learning to fend for himself came naturally, but baking? They never taught it back at Manticore, nor did he pick up the skill out in the world it seemed. Ben was in the middle of the kitchen, stirring a mixture of flour, egg, sugar, and butter that he threw together haphazardly. Just the knowledge of mixing together foods got him started.

He stared down at the bowl curiously, no clue on his next steps. Sure, they had to go on a tray and in the oven but… Ben shrugged. He’d figure it out as he went. Food was food and someone would definitely eat them if they got hungry.

Truthfully, he’d rather be back in bed asleep; but since Mr. West’s morning speech, he felt like working in the kitchen. Ben rubbed an eye with his fist and ran it down his cheek, leaving a smear of flour along the way. It was safe to say, this was going to be his only cookie attempt. Someone else could happily take the reins from him.

max guevara, [day 46], [log]:, ben (x5-493)

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