I hear you turning your thoughts off, I turn mine off too

Nov 08, 2010 16:43

Who: Nathan Ford, OPEN
What: Not So Typical Arrival
When: Day 42
Where: Town Square (of course), afternoon

First he was crashing. Not literally, but emotionally. He was crashing into realization of what mattered in his life, who he was, and what he was. He was all but confessing his love to the woman he loved. He was watching the bricks that were the layers of his life fall together. Maybe not in line, but he could see them all, and he wanted to make everything fit.

For Nathan Ford the world was shifting together and starting to make some semblance of sense. He could feel the reality of everything he wanted and all the things he hoped he would one day have.

And before he could reach for any of it he was here. He was told that none of it, nothing of himself, was real. It had felt real. It had been feeling too real for too long, and just when he thought he could feel something good from it...it was all gone. None of it was what he had thought it to be.

He was a pawn. A toy.

At least that's what he was told. Before he was dropped here in the middle of this quaint town square, tape in his hand, and confusion all over his face.

Maybe it would be easier for all of his life to have been pretend.

Except that it still felt real, and if someone or something had done all of that to him for fun, as a game...well, he had all flavors of angst brewing for that discussion.

Until then he was standing in the middle of Town Square, looking around, and wondering what the hell he was supposed to do with himself.

{ooc: As he will also be SuperThoughtHearing!Nate, do me a solid and italic what you want him to hear so that I know what to take from yours.}

nathan ford, {parker}, [log]:, [day 42]

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