Who: Wilson (Open)
What: First meeting
When: Day 41, Mid-Morning.
Where: Boarding house
Abby had come to the decision that outside the obvious-like being trapped in some forgotten 1950s town and meeting a sci-fi icon in the flesh-Peaksville wasn’t all that creepy. It was most definitely weird, but not entirely scary. Maybe a 3 out of 10. She had even risked running back to town solo to hit the general store Kirk had pointed out to her so she could grab some fresh clothes.
At least, that had been how she felt yesterday, before a voice on TV snatched her from her fitful slumber. That wouldn’t have had much of an impact on her except for the fact that there had been no freaking TV in her room the night before, she was sure of that. And if she had even thought to harbor some slim, hopeful bit of doubt, the sight of their apparent capture and the snippets of her arrival and meet up with Kirk would have been enough to assure her.
It was unsettling, to say the least, knowing that her most inconsequential moves were being watched, and could apparently be played back at will. West’s will anyway.
She was suddenly grateful she hadn’t done much of anything the day before, aside from her trip to town. She hadn’t even gone down for dinner, food being one of the last things on her mind. But she couldn’t spend the duration of her stay in her room, no matter how good of an idea that now seemed. Today she would take the time to explore, even if that meant striking out alone again.
Resolve overtaking the wariness, she opened the door, stepped into the hall and headed for the stairs. But a door swung open and even though she knew the house to be occupied, it startled a slight jump out of her, and maybe just a small gasp. Perhaps she hadn’t steeled herself quite as well as she had thought…