Law man has put an end to my running...

Sep 11, 2010 18:48

Who: Sam Winchester [open]
What: Arrival
When: Day 36
Where: Town Square

Honestly? When he'd thought about hell? He hadn't pictured anything like this. When he'd looked Dean in the eye and grabbed Michael and fallen backward, he'd expected darkness, fire, pain, not to find himself sitting in some man's study being handed a tape and told he was a figure of someone's imagination. He--wasn't sure if this was some trick that Lucifer was playing on him in some vain attempt to get out of the box or what, but--Sam didn't feel him pressing, clawing like he had been at the back of his mind.

And the storm that was rolling overhead seemed real enough, especially with how it'd soaked Sam to the bone. He'd tucked the tape away in the front pocket of his jacket, and tried to pull it tighter around him now as he stood in the middle of -- a town center? It looked like a town center he and Dean had driven through half a hundred times when they drove back and forth across the country. Well, the guy -- Mr. West, he corrected himself -- had explained Peakesville, hadn't he? But Sam had been too damn bewildered to be here instead of in the Pit that he hadn't really let any of it sink in.

One of his hands came up to push his hair off his face, before they both sank deep in his pockets, "Hello? Anyone here?" It was a pretty cliche response, but he figured it couldn't hurt. And it wasn't really like he expected any kind of answer - whatever this was, heaven or hell, it sure was a mindfuck.

{dawn summers}, [log]:, {sam winchester}

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