Nov 03, 2005 11:38
I adore my girlfriend. She's amazing. I'm going to go see her this weekend...she's sooo thoughtful and sweet and takes care of me when I'm sad.
Why did we think it was a bad idea to be together? Oh well. We think we're silly now because we were meant to be together...oh look, I feel hard again. Shocking I know.
If we were to break up it would suck but be ok. Yes, yes it would.
Baby gorillas! Twins. Amazing. Silverbacks? Maybe? I think so.
I have a test I need to be studiing for. It's MK's fault.
Yummy girls and bois.
I will have good food with my mother this weekend.
I will have wonderful laughs as well.
I will come back for Lizzy's party.
I will come back happy and revitailized (sp?)
ER night at Rach's? Hmmmm....who's going?