So I managed to make it through the past two years without ever getting sick once - another winter had passed and I managed to get through it all without so much as a sniffle. Until today, when it was actually sort of sunny and warm. It came out of nowhere and knocked me on my ass, and my nose is running like a tap. I'm almost too groggy and spaced out to be doing this entry. But that's mainly because I'm still (ugh) recovering from the weekend.
Our second-biggest client is all pissed off because we had a meeting scheduled for tomorrow night and my boss told him that we'd have to cut it short because it's a Survivor night. I've pretty much given up on the show; it's no fun because I can't cheat for money anymore (the rest of the people in the office found out). But I'm still surprised at what a huge following the show has.
Didn't Nostradamus say that
the next antichrist would have his holiday on a Thursday?