A World Filled with Wild Roses

Aug 31, 2009 20:28

Picked up my copy of Dissidia Final Fantasy the other day. Looooove it. That game is pretty much fanservice incarnate. Seeing Sephiroth get the tar kicked out of him by the Warrior of Light is much more satisfying than anything in FFXI. Or better yet, getting the tar kicked out of him by Tidus (take THAT Mama's Boy McEmo-Pants). And Zidane coming out of nowhere and tackling Garland (who is voiced by Chris Sabat xD) will never get old or cease to amuse me. The controls are fairly easy to get used to and so far the game is a good balance of difficult and easy (I haven't quite finished it yet, just need to complete the Warrior of Light's story mode). Most of the music is taken from previous Final Fantasy games and just given a new arrangement for Dissidia. And the new arrangements are pretty awesome (Clash on the Big Bridge from FFV is my favorite). I also think this game has turned me from simply considering Firion (FFII) one of my favorite Final Fantasy main characters to honest-to-goodness Firion fangirl. I'm sorry, but his dream about creating a world where Wild Roses can bloom in peace is so...sweet. And honest. And not emo. And the scene where Terra and Cloud decide the that'll also be their dream is adorable. Especially when Terra starts talking about how they won't just fill the world with wild roses, but every kind of flower. D'aaawwwwwww. I'd also like mention that, despite how sweet, kind, and insecure Terra is...sweet moogle butts, I would not want to piss her off. Her attacks are easily some of the most powerful in the game.

Some other games I'm playing:

Eternal Poison - *drool* First and foremost, the character designs in this game are absolutely beautiful. The whole game has this Gothic, Victorian-ish fantasy feel to it, and it really works. For me anyway. xD I'm not very far in it yet, but so far the story is really interesting. The only downside I've noticed is that it can be kind of...repetitive, combat wise. It has a grid based system, similar to Final Fantasy Tactics and Jeanne D'arc, but I found the fights in those games to be more engaging. Maybe it's because terrain doesn't really factor in to Eternal Poison the way it does in those games. But despite that, it's still a fun game.

Rogue Galaxy - I'd heard a lot of good stuff about this game, so when I found it for, like ten or so dollars I decided why not. And OMG. This game is so much fun. It can be pretty challenging sometimes, but in the way that just makes you want to play more. The graphics are crisp, and I love the cell shaded look it has. And it's about space pirates. Space pirates who have a ship that looks like a real sailing ship. <333 I don't care how impractical it is. It looks awesome.

The World Ends With You - Again, I'd heard a lot of good stuff about this one, so once I got a DS I decided to try it out. It took awhile for me to get the hang of it, but once I did it is so much fun. I'm almost at the end of the game (having a hard time, no pun intended, beating "Shades"...it would be so much easier without him going "TIME BE STILL" every few minutes), so if you read this and have beaten it please no spoilers. The fact that the story keeps you guessing is one of the reasons I love it.

Aaand that's it for now. I get to go back to SC to visit my family for the long weekend! Hopefully I'll be able to catch up with some of my friends too while I'm there.^^
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