Where damage isn't already done

Dec 30, 2011 01:09

Title: "Safekeeping"
Fandom: Boardwalk Empire
Pairing/Characters: Jimmy/Richard
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,540
Disclaimer: I own nothing Boardwalk Empire wise
Warnings:  None
Notes:  For freaky_nea

Takes place during Season 2, episode 11.
Summary: Richard is always there to pick up the pieces. Richard takes care of Jimmy's injuries. Major h/c ensues.

"I'm not afraid."

This fic is based off this picture and is an elaboration of the events of Season 2, episode 11. I just really wanted to write something based off this scene because strung out and wounded Jimmy was just too tempting:


Jimmy feels the last of the heroine drain from his body leaving him hollow yet all too aware.

His skin is itchy and clammy and it has a slight yellowish tinge to it. The pain in his shoulder is excruciating and he feels he could pass out from it at any second.

The smell of blood and bleach is heavy in the air. Jimmy fights back the urge to vomit and ends up closing his eyes again instead.

When he blinks awake again it’s to the sight of what he thinks is Richard mopping up a huge puddle of blood on the floor. Richard looks at him like he’s looking through him. The air around them seems to crackle and become alive as Jimmy takes him in. Richard promptly closes the curtain to the room leaving Jimmy even more confused than before. Jimmy feels too weak to move, his body slipping further down into the chair and he lets the overwhelming pain blot out everything until he falls, falls, falls.


Jimmy pulls his jacket tighter over his shoulder to hide the dressing. He keeps the arm close to him; it bent in one weak position. Richard watches Jimmy with his son and his heart throbs strangely in his chest. Jimmy has a family to worry about. He has something to live for and he shouldn’t be taking unnecessary risks.

Richard's gaze sweeps to his partner. Jimmy’s forehead shines with sweat, his clothes stick to him, his pants are spotted from where he had released his bladder a little and blood seeps into the jacket from the wound.

This is the life they chose.

After coming back from the war it left them with little options. Kill or be killed. Kill to still feel alive.

Jimmy opted to try to have a family but...

Fresh guilt stabs at Richard when he thinks of how Angela was taken from him, from them. Maybe families weren’t meant for men like them? Richard thinks they probably don’t deserve them though it doesn’t stop him from dreaming and filling up his scrapbook of a life that’ll never be his.

Richard feels relief when Mrs. Darmody finally takes Jimmy's son upstairs. He should not see his father like this.

Jimmy pats his pockets uselessly. Richard fishes the cigarettes out of his own pocket and deposits one between Jimmy's lips. Jimmy's eyes grow a little wide when Richard lights it for him.

"I kept them. Hmph. For safe keeping." Richard had removed all of Jimmy's possessions from him save the knife in Jimmy's boot. A man should always have a means to protect himself and Richard wouldn’t begrudge a man his weapon especially one that brings Jimmy so much comfort.

Jimmy nods a little; his eyes still a touch too wide. His eyes are yellowing at the corners like an old book. They’re glassy and far away and Richard knows it’s not all from the blood loss.

Richard takes Jimmy by the good shoulder and practically pushes him back towards the war room. He sits Jimmy down as gently as he can and hands him the bottle of whiskey.

"You'll need that."

Jimmy takes the bottle in unsure fingers, his eyebrow quirking up and the bottle shaking slightly in his grip. Richard wants to slap him. He needs the Jimmy that’s in charge and calls the shots, the Jimmy that tells him what to do, the Jimmy that's not afraid of anything not this weak, pathetic, dried up version and a shell of his former self.

But when Richard looks back at the younger man he sees the hurt laced in his eyes underneath the filth and pain and something eases in Richard's chest.

He just needs time.

Richard picks up the needle and thread from the nearby table and holds them up for Jimmy to see.

"Mmph. You’ll need it. For this."

Richard has dealt with injuries before. Before he was sent to set up his rifle for a mission he had helped some comrades on the field. He's not a trained medic but he's helped sitch up worse injuries than Jimmy's

Jimmy throws his cigarette to the ground. He unscrews the bottle letting the cap fall to the floor. It rolls away until it vanishes under a table. Richard finds it fitting with all the other things that have been swept under the rug and hidden in the war room as of late.

Richard watches Jimmy's Adam’s apple work laboriously as he takes several long pulls from the bottle, the stubble that reaches down almost the entire length of his throat on display and Richard has to stop himself from reaching out to touch.

Fix him first.

When Jimmy removes the bottle from his slick lips, whiskey dribbling down his chin, his slack grip almost letting the bottle drop to the floor Richard flicks Jimmy’s lighter to life and sterilizes the needle.

Jimmy’s head lolls towards Richard’s direction, greasy strands falling in his eyes, his pupils blown and his eyes losing focus.

Richard crouches down to Jimmy’s level and braces one hand on Jimmy’s good shoulder to keep him steady. Jimmy smells like piss and infection. His breath is stale and sour.

Richard removes the jacket letting it drop to the floor. He removes the bandage that him and Mrs. Darmody had fashioned hastily earlier, earlier when the priority was to get the Commodore out and the blood on the floor cleaned.

Richard exhales slowly through his nose and looks up at the younger man asking him with his eyes if he’s ready.

Jimmy’s head lolls from side to side and he babbles something to the affect of: “I’ll remember.”

Richard takes that for a consent and pours some of the whiskey on Jimmy’s wound.

The younger man flinches slightly but otherwise shows no other signs of pain.

Richard grips Jimmy’s good shoulder tighter and readies the needle. He notices Jimmy’s stare and pauses.

Jimmy’s eyes flash with sudden lucidity and he seems to finally zero in on Richard though it seems to take a great deal of effort. He looks to the needle in Richard’s hand before snapping back to Richard’s face.

“I’m not afraid.”

Jimmy’s arm trembles slightly giving him away but Richard pretends not to notice.

Richard knows his words have more than one meaning.

Richard moves to smooth some hair away from his forehead before cupping his cheek lightly.

“I know. Mmph.”

Richard keeps his gaze locked on his and while he’s got the younger man distracted Richard slips the needle under his skin.

Jimmy jerks from the sudden intrusion and releases a stifled moan, his head flopping to the side once more. Richard slips his hand back to Jimmy’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly before pulling the thread through his ripped open flesh. His wound isn’t too terribly large, half the size of a dollar Richard thinks. He makes sure to keep the stitches close anyway and pulls the thread tight. His fingers soon become saturated and slippery with Jimmy’s blood. Jimmy’s hand moves to Richard’s hip encouragingly, his heat like a brand on Richard’s skin.

It’s slow work. Jimmy’s forehead gleams with sweat and he releases noises of pain every time Richard pierces his skin with the needle.

When it’s finally finished and Jimmy’s wound is sewn up tight Richard leans in to bite the end of the thread with his teeth. The wound smells and looks much better and he can’t help himself from planting a small kiss to the reddened flesh. Jimmy’s grip on Richard’s hip grows tighter at the touch and Richard hurriedly makes himself busy with fastening him a new bandage to avoid looking at the younger man.

Richard wraps the new bandage around Jimmy’s shoulder slowly, making it tighter than before, Jimmy’s hand never leaving Richard’s side.

Richard finally rises from his crouched position after the bandage is fastened and Jimmy rises with him. His legs are cramped from being in the position so long. Richard bends at the waist to stretch his legs and reaches for Jimmy’s jacket since his fingers are near it but Jimmy beats him to it.

Jimmy crowds his space and slips the jacket over Richard’s shoulders like Richard is the one that needs the comforting.

“Thank you,” Jimmy mumbles, his breath warm on Richard’s cheek, his eyes still a little out of focus though his tone is clear and sincere.

“You hold onto that..” a smile twitches at the corners of Jimmy’s mouth and he pats his pockets absentmindedly again for cigarettes that aren’t there. He meets Richard’s eyes again and he gives him a look that reads: I’m glad you’re here.

Jimmy fixes the jacket around Richard’s shoulders and Richard feels the solid warm weight around him like Jimmy is embracing him himself. Jimmy’s lips move to Richard’s ear, his warm breath pushing into him.

“For safe keeping.”

Jimmy’s fingers find Richard’s hip again until he’s pulling the older man in a sloppy, one armed embrace.

Richard holds him close, one hand cradling the back of Jimmy’s neck protectively. Richard will take whatever Jimmy gives him. He will always be there to pick up the pieces and above all else will make sure Jimmy feels safe.

boardwalk empire. pairing: jimmy/richard, rating pg-13, fan fiction

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