should a 400 year old vampire be required to take history in school?

Oct 18, 2009 05:39

:: You
Gender: Girl
Stamped As: Bella Swan
Would you prefer explanations along with the votes? Only if the voter feels compelled to do so?
Would you prefer the replies to remain spoiler free? Nope. I've read the whole series.

:: Lessons Learned
What is/was your favorite school subject? Why? English. I loved writing stories and reading. A passion that has stuck around. Though, I've always been rather terrible at grammar rules! I also love music. I sang in choir through college.
What is/was your least favorite school subject? Why? Until high school it had been math. But I had an exceptional teacher in high school and now I rather love the subject. Currently, though, I would have to say general chemistry. Mostly because I don't understand what gen chem has to do with medical school. I'm taking organic chemistry right now and that makes quite a bit more sense to me.
Have you ever taken a school subject(class) you thought would be more interesting than it was? What happened? How would you have made it better? Human Disease and It's Scientific Basis. The class was just an overview of different diseases, all of which I could have learned about from Wikipedia. One of the things that would have made it better would have been a lab, some way to be more involved in the study of some of the diseases. Part of the boredom of the class was that our instructor read to us directly from her power-point slides. I believe that if you're going to use power-point, the key ideas should be included on your slides and exbounded upon during lecture.

:: Footprints in our Minds
Have you ever had a teacher you loved and respected? Why that person? I very much loved my senior English teacher in high school. She was one of those rare teachers who cared about the success of her students. She's the one who taught me to truly love the art of short-story writing and encouraged me to continue writing, whether or not I was going to continue as an English major. (My masters is in psychology; I'm pre-med now). I also really loved my college choir director for the former reason: she really loves her students. Each one. And continues to love and care about them even after graduation.
Have you ever had a teacher you loathed and looked down on? Why that person? Haha, did I have my own Professor Snape? Uh, I'm not sure. Well, I guess I had one I looked down. My high-school Spanish teacher was involved in the lives of her students, but not in the way she should have been. She was involved in their dramas and their personal goings-on--so much so that it impeded the way she taught. I learned more in the first month of college-level Spanish than I did in 2 years of Spanish with her.
In your opinion, all teachers should approach their occupation like... what? How would you recommend teachers to be? Teachers should know that their position is powerful in so very many ways. Not only are you responsible for instilling a sense of curiosty about a variety of subjects, but you are a protector. As a kid, even as a high school student, I was the victim of bullying. Several of my teachers shrugged their shoulders as though there was nothing that could be done--but there's plenty that can be done. Students need teachers in a mulitude of ways: educator, protector, therapist. If I were going to tell teachers anything, I'd say that they should be prepared to meet theses needs--all needs--of their students before stepping in front of their class.

:: Perpetual Homework
Do you prefer verbal or written exams? Why? Written. I have a hard time thinking on my feet. Writing gives me the opportunity to fully state, with much more eloquence, what I believe, think, feel, or know about a subject.
Do you learn more through discussions or simply reading books? Why? Both have their advantages. I really think it best to read and then have discussions. Then, not only do you have your own view, you're provided with the views of others, who can give you new insight on a subject.
Do you prefer exams with long detailed questions (requiring detailed answers) or simple questions (with multiple choice answers already listed)? I like a mix. Sometimes you just can't babble for two pages on a given topic, no matter how much you know about it.
Would you rather do a pretty big project or a pretty big oral report? Big project. I hate getting in front of people and talking about anything.
Would you rather have a more interactive class or a robotic 'hand-in and be graded' class? Interactive. I think it's more conducive to the learning process and you get more out of it than being fed information and asked to regurgitate it by rote.

:: Teaching Should Be an Ideal
You're late for class, what does your teacher do? Looks at me, laughs, and says, "Well, at least you made it." (I was consistantly late for statistics in grad school. My professor eventually got used to it.)
You hand in your assignment two weeks early, what does your teacher tell you? You finally managed to overcome that procrastination thing, huh?
Your teacher discovers that, even though you had been assigned to a team to complete a project, you've been the one doing most (if not all) of the workload. What does he do? Distrbutes grades accordingly. I've actually had this happen. The teacher saw that I had completed our entire presentation and did most of the work on the experiment and so she took that into consideration when grading the project.
Your teacher catches a student cheating on an exam, what does he do? Ask the student about it--sometimes, though very rarely, what it looks like isn't what it is. I was accused once of cheating, though I was the one being cheated off of.
You're outside school, enjoying an ordinary day (at the mall, a park, a beach, wherever you like) when you see your teacher not too far from you... how does the interaction play out between both of you? I turn around and move in a different direction--there is no interaction. I feel a bit awkward in those kinds of situations, so I do what I can to avoid them.

:: Because votes are still a must...
1- voted here
2- and here
3- and this one, too

teacher: carlisle cullen

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