One More Breath

Aug 23, 2006 20:48

The frames sat still…though the flies still buzzed. There were portraits on the wall and frames left on films. I promised myself I would never develop those pictures. I was afraid of the feelings it would unearth. We all bury things, deep down inside. It’s how well we hide them from ourselves, that safe guard our heart. Whether it’s taking a long drive and emptying that box along the road…the wind steering us straight or the ideas that keep us blinded. Maybe we don’t have to turn and face the truth. Maybe we can be forgiven. It seems like an abstract concept but its something I grasp on to.

Even though it had stopped raining sometime ago, the drops still clung to the window pains. I felt them. They were cool on my skin. Books laid discarded. The words had began to jumble up, together, some few hours ago. There was green and black and olive and a sickly yellow. These were the things that kept me awake, tonight.
Children painted stars.
And it was I, that kept their dreams.
It was I, like the mother, the father, a secret keeper, a stone wall to a place of hurt hearts. I kept them safe. Never fear. Just believe. And trust. And spread your arms open to me. Let me in. loveme. Let me in let me in let me in let me in…
This I pray.

Red eyes did glare in midnight windows. Monster did live in our dreams. But be careful to keep your head under the covers! It cant see you then, I swear. It was just too bad that these monsters began to look like our parents. I cant get into the things they did. They didn’t love us. Not like they were suppose to. They didn’t touch us the right way. Not like they were suppose to. They didn’t say they loved us enough. Not like the way they were suppose to.

They didn’t open their eyes.
Like they were suppose to.

So don’t open yours, Little One. Don’t be made the victim. If you just…sleep a little longer, I can make it all alright. Can you feel the warmth of me skin? Their sins are no longer yours.

Sometimes it seemed like you were the parent. The adult. Maybe you had to take care of them. Maybe they robbed you of a childhood. Maybe you never healed.

Try not to care and cast away.
The frames don’t need to be so sterile and life doesn’t need to hang in a moment.
You can always take
One more breath
When it all seems too much.
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