Evopsych researcher "explains" slash!

Feb 07, 2011 16:47

And yet, he thinks it is all about vanilla het sex.


Apparently I missed this when it first went up at Hoyden About Town, so it might have been round the fandom already. But in case not:

One is, it was clear to me, in some sort of psychological sense, that in these long descriptions usually of anal intercourse, that the basic fantasy wasn’t anal- anal intercourse. The basic fantasy, I believe, was vaginal intercourse.

“See? Hetvanilla! Nothing to see here! It’s all about penises in vaginas!”

…but it was played out on male bodies. And in fact if you go back to the very early days of slash when these women Trekkers were the only slash writers, they were making all kinds of mistakes. They would have, uh, anal intercourse would be conducted without any lubricant…

“Which is something that never, ever happens in het erotica or erotica written by men.”

…and multiple orgasms, simultaneous orgasms, things that really weren’t likely to happen in male-male sex…

“Because men can never both come at the same time, not like with penis-in-vagina sex where such things are routine.”

Get your LULZ here!

And dude? Sometimes a penis really is a penis.

Originally posted at dreamwidth.

feminist, meta

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