Feb 09, 2007 22:26
please someone tell what to do.. what i should do. i need advise. so please.
that guy i was talking about. well ever since hes been gone ive missed him a lot. so i started to write this song for him. well when i went to email the little part of it i had to him. i thought about how sometime if you dont check your email for a while it deletes its self. so i checked his to see if it was gone before i email it to him, so that way he would forsure get it. well it was stil working... and you know i didnt even think about it. you know all that shit mail you get along with real mail. i was going to delete that for him. i didnt even think anything was going on and i seriously (if you dontn believe me you can ask anyone i know) wasnt like trying to snoop and see if he was doing anything because i thought if he were to do that it would be over myspace. hes not a computer writing person. infact ive had to make every profile for him. well when i went to do that i saw all these chick email saying im interested in you and i want to meet you and shit all from this truebeginings website. some love sight. at first i just got really mad, but then when i talked to my close friend christy she said well you should make sure thats what it is and not that he jsut signed up and was just being dumb... so i went on there. and found all these messages he had sent to girls.. like your profile made me smile. and that he was looking for a girl 18-21 out in okanogan... where his parents live and he goes to every once in a while. he wrote all of this 6 days after our anavesery. and we werent in a fight. not that i know of. i think he did it while he was out visiting his parents for that one weekend. and i cant talk to him.. see whats going on because hes in jail for that dui, which isnt bad. i dont think hes like a bad person for that... but this. god i feel like everything was just taken from me. like i cant even hold myself up... but i dont want to lose him. thats what i need to know about. i mean if he didnt go out and see those girls and it was just some stupid thing and i regrets it do you think if i take him back.. if he takes me back. would he do it again.
now this is the guy that the only other girl hes loved was one that ended up cheeting on him with his friends and his brother. me and christy though... of ALL the people we know like everyone, he would be the last to cheet. and technically thats not completely cheeting. but in a way it give me no hope for men. every guy ive met that i thought i knew would never cheet.... this. this makes it hard for me to believe that.
i dont know. how bad do you think this is? is it something i need to worry about? or is it something that was a stupid past mistake?
i just want to know what i can do i guess. nothing probebly untill he gets a chance to call me. see if he confesses first. then tell him i know the truth.
god if youve had someone cheet. how the hell do you get over it?