flash from the past, or something like that

Jan 12, 2009 10:06

my sister posted on her xanga about how my parents spazzed out on her for drawing pictures of stick figures getting hung.  i'm not clear on whether she was just looking at the drawings, and my parents thought she drew them, or if she actually drew them.  i mean, it sounds messed up, but from the way she's all indignant about how it's just art and how her friends (all the emo middle schoolers) are into stuff like that, it seems pretty okay, even if it sounds disturbed.

i had to sign into my xanga to read hers, so i wound up rereading some old entries afterwards.  they always make me cringe on the most part, and the most embarassing part is prob how honestly whiny and insecure they are.  anyway, i came across this, which is exactly 4.5 years old.

your real name: fanny
friends call you: fanny, fan, babe, chinky
what your boyfriend calls you: fanny, mostly.  sometimes lady
what your girlfriend calls you: don't have one
what is/are the ugliest names you can think of: schnortmichael wulfenburgmeister?
what would you name your kids: i dunno yet.  i liked the name claire, but then my baby sis was born, so i named her that, and she's adorable.  i always felt if you liked to write stories, you could never name your kids and characters the same names; it'd be messed up like, this is my kid when he's grown up, or like, i liked my character so much, i hope my kid grows up to be like him. i think i'd name my kid rainbow bucket, so he'll have two first names

have you ever...

thrown up in public: yup, not for a few years though.
eaten or dranken (drunk) anything spoiled: apparently i drank expired milk a few times, but it wasn't spoiled.
had a rip in your pants that you didn't know about: i did! i discovered it one day, and when i got home, i sewed it back up.  it was in an inconspicuous place, and my tank was long.
tripped while checking someone out: nope, but i trip on my feet a lot.
nearly drowned: can't swim, i nearly drowned in 4 feet of water back in eighth grade, and i was 5' 1
passed out: yes, lots of times
had a crush on someone: crushes are like the cold, everyone gets them
have you ever been stuck in the rain: think so; got stuck waiting in the rain a few times.
been attacked by an animal: i don't think animals really attack, but i panic a little when pigeons fly overhead.
caught people having sex: not really
fallen asleep while driving: sure, in need for speed, mario kart
felt attracted to someone of the same sex: maybe once or twice; it was a while ago
actually slipped on a banana peel: nope
made a wish that came true: a few

complete the sentence:

i once had a dream: where some guy touched my hand, and i cried.
i'm only racist towards: racist people, people who only enjoy hanging out in large obnoxious groups of people of their own ethnicity.  i'm not really racist so much as an equal opportunity people hater.
i don't know why: i didn't come, but that makes me think of perverted things
nothing sucks more than: homework, schoolwork, work
if i had six bucks or less I'd buy: candy?  i don't know.  i'm going to test this out spending all the money in my wallet til i've only got six, and i'll see what i'll buy.  probably mcdonalds.  they have nuggets for a dollar!  they put it near us on purpose.
it's hot. I should take off: all my clothes, and shower.
it's always more fun if: you're having fun?
you can't eat steak without: a knife.  or teeth.

would you rather:

find the cure for cancer or AIDS: cancer
have the power to teleport or fly: fly
have the power to see the future, or to record your dreams: record dreams
be really skinny, or really fat: skinny
be lost in a forest or stuck in a box: lost in a forest
be in a drama movie or a comedy: drama; comedies are funny but kinda sad
be in a hip hop video or a rock video: rock; i know someone who was in an ashlee simpson video though
have my birthday on Christmas or February 29th: christmas
live in the sewer, or Afghanistan: afghanistan
live in a mental institution or a penitentiary: i am living in an m.i., or what used to be one.
snow board or hang glide: hangglide
ninja or pirate: ninjas.  who likes pirates? srsly?


(mere, you construct phrases from a series of letters)

I L T T Y H: i like to touch your hiney
I L T E C: i like to eat c hicken
C H I N A: commie home in north asia

what is your definition of love?: it's a feeling of intimacy and emotional investedness in someone.

list three words that identify someone you're interested in: brilliant, funny, sweet

who or what is your worst enemy: i have no enemies, cept procrastination maybe.
who is the last person you kicked: dunno.

if you had to be a chess piece, what would you be: i'd be the king; totally useless, but it'd be bad if i got killed
name three people you know whose names begin with the same letter as your first name: frank, i'm out of names again.

do you have a:

computer of your own: yup
a cell phone: uh huh.
a car: lots of toy ones at home.
a room of your own: sure
a house of your own: not really
a phone of your own: my cell?
your own phone line: sure
a best friend: i think so
a boyfriend/girlfriend: mmhm

and another:

five details about your appearance right now:

- t-shirt
- three steel rings
- jade
- girly undies
- in bed

five things you did today:

- pop online
- eat brie and red grapes
- clean
- read poetry
- pick up the phone

five things everyone should know about you:

- i like sleep and cheese
- i also like dumplings
- i like to write, mostly poetry
- my boyfriend gave me a betta named costello, and i have to feed him every two days, and change his water at least once a week
- i have impacted wisdom teeth that are gonna get pulled

five things that make you happy:

- my boyfriend
- music
- good poetry
- sleep
- food

five things that disgust you:

- dog poop, pigeon poop, poop in general really
- racism; i got called a gook by some fucking asshole the other day
- people who cheat on people they supposedly love
- frat people
- spoiled food; it's pretty gross.

five things you can't live without:

- internet
- food
- sleep
- minimal success
- water

five things you'll do after you complete this:

- shower
- head out to dental appointment
- buy and eat dumplings
- write
- work

five things you feel right now:

- rushed
- bleary eyed
- full
- lazy
- blank

do it too, i dunno, for what have you.
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