Fandom:→ Twilight series
Pairing:→ Marcus/Seth
Prompt:→ o11. confident
Theme Set:→ Emotions
Title:→ Unruffled
Words:→ 470 words
Disclaimer:→ I don't own the Twilight series or anything to do with it, so I'm not making any profit from writing this. I write because the muses demand it and hope that others will like it.
. unruffled .
After his entire mess of being tortured and treated like dirt during his first few months of his stay in Volterra, his confidence was actually starting to grow. Well, at least when Marcus was at his side; Seth wasn't very comfortable with asserting his newly found power as a Volturi consort and preferred leaving any large decisions to Marcus. It wasn't that he was horribly submissive or anything, he just wasn't a leader and didn't feel comfortable making the kinds of decisions that Marcus and the other two leaders made on a daily basis.
Athenodora commented to her cousin on their newest member's newly found confidence, “There's a certain poise to him. I think that he suits Marcus very well.”
Sulpicia snorted, “If you think that a mutt can have such a thing.”
“Cia, please don't speak so ill of him; what would Marcus do if he heard you insulting his consort like that?” The slightly shorter vampire frowned; yes, sometimes her cousin could be harsh, but she'd never actually seen her be so downright cruel. “He's a very nice young man, have you even spoken to him yet?”
“Why would I lower myself to do such?” The female vampire turned her nose up, her beautiful face twisted into one of disgust. “Please tell me Dora that you have done no such thing.”
“I have spoken to him multiple times,” Athenodora countered. “He's a beautiful young man and he's also very sweet and humble; you wouldn't know he was a consort just speaking to him if it wasn't for... how comfortable and confident he is. But Cia, he's definitely not arrogant.” Your mate is the arrogant one, and I'm afraid that you've picked up your bad habits from him.
“Athenodora, Caius should be ashamed to call you his mate.”
And with that, Sulpicia stormed off in a huff.
Soft footsteps broke through the silence, and then Seth's head poked around the corner. The small smile on his face fell when he saw the look of almost heartbreak written across his newest friend's face.
“You okay?” He slowly walked over and gently wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders. Sniffing the air, he recognized Sulpicia's scent and frowned. Out of all of the vampires of the Volturi, she was the only one - excluding Jane - who absolutely hated him and refused to show him any respect at all. But even though she was sometimes downright cruel to him, Seth refused to give her the rewards of seeing him breakdown. He held his head high.
“Oh, I just wish that Cia would be a little nicer... all I did was comment on how well you're doing as Marcus' consort.”
“Am I?”
Athenodora smiled and nodded, “You are.”