with their nature revealed

Oct 26, 2012 16:05

Notes: For the 30 days of writing challenge on tumblr.
Title: with their nature revealed
Fandom: The Avengers
Pairing: Thor/Bruce
Prompt: denial
Words: 298 words

with their nature revealed
Bruce had his face buried in his hands, cheeks flaming bright red. He was torn between feeling painfully flattered - and maybe just a little bit proud too - and horrifically terrified. The fear was most prominent.

There were talk shows and a whole bunch of other things to do with publicity when it came down to the Avengers. Bruce was just happy that he had something of a secret identity to hide behind because he would snap under the pressure of having to be a public face to the Avengers - he'd leave that up to Tony, to Steve, and Thor, who was also something of a curiosity, being an alien and all.

That was what had led to Bruce's conflicting emotions. The fact that Thor had pretty much just practically outed the both of them, although he hadn't actually named anyone. But he'd described Bruce as being “a beautiful and brilliant man of science,” so Bruce figured he could forgive him.

Still, he didn't like to think about the fact that there would be a lot of backlash over the fact that Thor was - well, technically he was bisexual - in a romantic relationship with another man. Bruce had been half-hoping that Thor would deny that he was in a relationship at all; it certainly would have made things easier.

Bruce was worried. He knew how bad things could get and it didn't much matter whether or not his identity was known or not because Thor would be the one who'd have to face it. He hated that he was putting Thor in that situation.

And, of course, Thor wasn't worried about any of that. He came back, scooped Bruce up in his arms, and kissed him. His smile was bright and infectious and Bruce couldn't help but smile back.


!30 days of writing, prompt!fic, pairing: thor/bruce, fandom: the avengers

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