Boredom breeds politics

Oct 03, 2007 22:45

2008 Presidential Candidates: Are there any more options available?
Party: They both are flawed and hell-bent on destroying the other. I want no part in either one.
Abortion: Should be legal for cases of rape, incest, drug/alcohol addicts, mothers under the age of 16, impoverished mothers, and institutionalized women. I don't think it's right, but in cases such as the ones I mentioned I think it would be best for mother and child, physically, socially, and mentally.
Affirmative Action: I understand the basic logic of it, but like religion there are far too many pitfalls and areas where people can abuse the idea. Let's just let the chips fall where they may.
Capital Punishment: It makes little sense to me. I think guilt is one of the worst effects of crimes, there is no hope of reaching a damaging level of guilt if a person is put to sleep. Solitary confinement for the win.
Censorship: Outdated and unnecessary
Cuba: Fidel is immortal, get over it.
Current Administration (Bush/Cheney): *facepalm* I don't even know where to begin on that one honestly.
Current Congress: look upwards
Flag Burning: I think it's perhaps unpatriotic but that in my mind isn't a crime. We have bigger issues.
Foreign Policy: *rolls eyes* America is still a young country, and we are going through a teenage phase of thinking we are invincible.
Gay Rights: Love is love. No one is hurt by two men loving each other. It decreases reproduction perhaps, but the sanctity of marriage? Give me a break. This country mocks the institution.
Global Warming: Everything goes in a cycle, things will work out the way they're supposed to.
Gun Control: People should not have guns. People are stupid. Stupid and firearms should not mix.
Healthcare: It should be available to those in need.
Illegal Immigration: I'm sorry to offend, but please please go home. Either assimilate and become productive members of our society or go home. Simple as that. If we were to go to your home country we would not be extended the courtesy of remaining Americanized, we would have to adjust. So should you, because darlings, you're in America.
Marijuana Legalization: Along the lines of guns, people are irresponsible. There are millions of car accidents and other alcohol-related deaths each you really think adding marijuana in the mix will help things?
Minimum Wage: Is ridiculously low. Honestly government? Have you seen the price of gas? Of basic materials of survival. This isn't cutting it.
Right to Die: Dying is something we all do. It's not a right, its biological.
School Prayer:
Separation of Church and State: I don't think it was ever realized honestly. The Founding Fathers lived in a time when religion was much more a part of life than it is today. There is no way that their conclusions could not be biased by this fact. Equality and sovereignty are ideas borrowed from Enlightenment thinkers. However there was very little divorce of God from the men who started it all. Is this good? Religion provides too much fertile soil for conflict, but I think that basic principles are universal enough that they can work for everyone.
Social Security: Sadly, may not survive for us young ones.
Stem Cell Research: I'm not knowledgeable enough about this topic to have an opinion.
United Nations: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
War in Iraq: It shouldn't have been our problem, but I support the troops involved for it is their job and duty to serve. They might have chosen to join the armed forces, but they didn't choose policy. As long as they act ethically as possible in a war scenario, I see no reason not to support those who risk so much for a country that gives them back little in return.
Welfare: It's a loophole for far too many people, and gives those who are actually caring and hardworking a bad named because of those sloths who are under the same system. I think alot of kinks need to be worked out, and stricter requirements.
Wiretapping: Evasive and not the place of any government or authority to do. End.
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