Ok every week I will be putting a new random qoute up!

Aug 18, 2005 22:48

Yea thats rightyou caught me I already don't know what to do on this thing so I will put a quote up every week. If I have some poetry I will put it up as well.
As far as my life goes it's balls right now. Every thing is all jumbled in my head like scratched cd's nothing comesout complete, and I go from manic happy, to curled up in a little ball tired. On top of that I have tons of school work, whooot, I have how ever decided that this is the perfect time toenhance my living style. So I am deciding against all ocd compulsions to organize my room (novel concept huh), as well as take some positive steps towards establishing a place to live and a job that I will hold for more than 3 months. Thats about it lol sorry that you read through it with no awsome climax or sexy twist.

Note: Like you care but I will put quotes up on fridays since I wont be home tomorrow I will put one up now.

"love is a flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, andmust be pluckedbefore it is found, and enjoyed forthe brief hours of its duration." D.H. Lawarence.
I think that Lawarence should have had a freezer or some thing to stop time so that love could last for ever. What are your opinions?
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