Aug 30, 2008 03:47
She's asleep in my room. No, we did not sleep together other than just sleeping together.
She met so many friends of mine, more than I planned, at a quick bowling party tossed up by a pal. And she got along with them all, beautifully I might add... she won everyone over. All the while stealing looks back at me, and occasional kisses, and definitely won me over all the more deeply.
We came back home for a movie and watched a bit of Across the Universe. The first parts, only. The best first parts movie for a newly enamoured pair, I'd say. :)
What is the point of me writing this? Not to say what I did, but what this has done to me. I'm stoic but quite interested. I don't feel moments of fluttering. There is no sense of withdrawal when I have to leave her. Well, not yet, way too soon for that.
I harbor no cravings to tell her sweet words about a world we could build together. Certainly not worried about those lands at this moment.
Instead, there's just a sweet, soft, but enveloping well of potential around her. So kind, gentle, friendly and accepting. So far. I still have to accept the possibility of a "so far" and to only discover a major rift that won't be crossed by either of us.
I'm fond. I'm definitely "in fond" with her. No stupid grin on my face - just a wry curve of my ever-so-compelled (and recently-appreciated) lips.
By the way, her name is... ah. I'll tell you next time.
Goodnight, friends.