Jan 13, 2010 16:19
I was nine years old when my mother passed right before Christmas.
The following Valentine's Day my father remarried and shortly thereafter brought his new wife home.
A day or two after she arrived, we had a wee disagreement.
Her name was Mary and that is how I referred to her. She didn't like that.
I called her Mary. She insisted I call her "mother" or "mom".
I told her "you are not my mother".
Then it happened.
Fast as lightening, out of nowhere a cold and hard slap across my face.
I was a bit shocked. As fucked up as my family was no one had ever done that before.
I didn't run away crying.
I sure as hell didn't attack her back.
Something came over me I had never felt before.
Something I would feel many times over again in my life.
I just stared at her.
I looked her right in the eye.
I said, "You are not going to get away with this. You are not going to get away with any of it.".
We stared at one another.
She blinked first.
I turned on my heel and walked away.
She may have gotten away with that slap, but by April she was gone. By May they were divorced. While at the time I would have liked to have thought I had something to with that the reality was I had nothing to do with it.
In the end she didn't get away with it.
Over the years when that feeling has come over me, I rarely have offered up any comment. I have stood and stared until they blink or turn away or start ranting like a crazy person. Not a single one of them as ever gotten away with the crap they were trying to pull. In the end they always got their comeuppance.