Name: Nicole
Age: 19
Gender: Female
3 Words to Describe you: Ebullient, eclectic, emotional.
Positive Things about you: I'm very loyal, supportive, and I'm always down to try something new. I've got quite the sense of humor and I always know how to cheer someone up and make them laugh; even if I'm making an ass out of myself to do so.
Negative Things about you: I'm stubborn and opinionated. I have a habit of being far too blunt for my own good and have this theory that "the truth hurts," when I know that it doesn't have to.
Talents: Singing, softball, and graphic design.
Weaknesses: Math and Science!
Fears: Spiders, spiders, and did I mention spiders?
5 Things you like: Flowers, chinese food, music, softball, being outdoors.
5 Things you don’t like: Ignorance, self-centered (I mean REALLY self-centered), thunder and lightening, spiders, seafood.
Music you like: Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, Christina Aguilera, Breaking Benjamin, Carrie Underwood, etc.
Favorite Movies: Man on Fire, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, White Chicks, Juno, etc.
Favorite Places: Lakes, fields, forests - I love to be outdoors.
Do you like being spoiled?: It's nice, yes, but I feel bad when people spend a lot of money on me, so when they ask the first time, I say no - sometimes the second, but after the third time I just give in.
Do you have a high self-esteem or a low self-esteem?: I think it's somewhere in between. There are some things I have a high self-esteem about and some things I don't...if that makes any sense at all.
On Relationships.
If you could create your dream guy/girl..
What would their eye color be? Green or Brown, I would have to see.
What would their hair color be?: I prefer dark hair.
What would be their age range?: 17-21
What would their height be?: Taller than me, and that's not hard since I'm only about 5'5".
What would their body build be like?: Not a body builder, but lean and muscular.
What type of people do you usually fall for?: Cocky boys who have a very sarcastic tongue, but are total sweethearts behind closed doors.
When it comes to relationships list the following words in importance.. (from most important to least)
Beauty (appearance)
For each This or That question, Choose the Trait that Appeals to You In People..
Reserved or Outgoing:
Loud or Quiet: Loud
Timid or Flirty: I'm somewhere in between
Strange or Normal: Strange!
Optimistic or Pessimistic: In between - leaning towards optimistic, though.
Over Dramatic or Easy Going: Easy going, PLEASE.
Dark and Witty or Sunny and Happy: Somewhere in between, again.
Head in the Clouds or Down to Earth: Down to earth.
Risky or Safe: RISKY
Sweet or Edgy: Both, but I like edgy...
Sophisticated or Laid-Back: Laid-back.
Someone who thinks with their head or heart: Uhm, I'm in between with this, too.
Mature or Immature: Mature. Duh?
Stubborn or Easy to Persuade: Stubborn, actually. I like a challenge.
Intelligent or Average: Intelligent.
Bookworm or Party Animal: Somewhere in between.
Situation Questions.
1. You really like somebody but you know you can’t be with them (wether its because your family hates them and won’t let you see them or they wouldn’t fit your lifestyle or some other realistic reason..) would you continue trying to make it work with them or would you break it off and move on? I would definitely try and make it work, because I shouldn't let someone else or or some other situation rule/live my life. I make the rules and I break them.
2. Would you risk your partners happiness for your own? If I were really in love with him, I think I just might.
3. You’re in love with somebody but they’re in love with someone else. How would you react to that? Would you try to win them over or would you pull yourself together and move on? I would definitely be hurt and jealous at first. It'd be difficult for me to be around them, but I would make an effort to get over them and make myself able to be around them because I'd hate to lose a friend. And maybe they'd realize how amazing I was somewhere along the road, yeah? :P
4. Do you tend to change yourself for people? (In other words: No, I really don't. I'll make sacrifices and take risks, but I'm not about to change who I am as a person. I'm not going to change my personality or my reactions, because if you can't love me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best. Either I'm good for you as I am, or I'm not good enough for you at all.
5. Describe your dream date. Honestly, I would love to just sit out in a field or on a hill and watch the sun set, then watch the stars appear and gaze at them for a while as we snack on sandwiches or something. I wouldn't mind falling asleep with him out there, either. :)
6. Would you rather be out and about with your partner or would you rather be stay at home. It depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I'd love to go out and go to a movie or something, and sometimes I'd rather just stay in and snuggle with them...and most of the time it's the latter. :P
On Twilight.
Character you relate most to Hm...Jacob.
Character you can't relate to Sam
Favorite Book in the series and why New Moon - I loved how Bella and Jacob's relationship developed. I loved it.
If you could choose one character that you wish would have done something in the series differently, who would that be? And what would you make them do differently? Bella choosing Edward without giving Jacob the benefit of the doubt.
If you could be one character for a day, which character would you be? I would be Bella.
Before we stamp you.
Do you want to be paired with a male, female, or ether? Male, if at all possible.
Is there any specific group you want to be paired with? (vampire, werewolf, human?) I'm a big werewolf supporter, but I'm not picky because I love Vampires too, haha. I'd rather not be paired with a human.
Young characters (teenagers/young adults), Older characters (the parents), or ether? Either.
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