MANIP Lie for me (SLASH, Edward/Jacob, PG)

Oct 19, 2010 21:06

Title | Lie for me
Author | chewableprose 
Fandom | The Twilight Saga
Pairing | Edward/Jacob
Rating |

Spoiler warning | If you haven’t read Breaking Dawn and don’t want to know what happens, don’t read my summary or notes for this manip

Brief | Cross-armed and leaned against the bike, “what can I do for you,“ he said. Again with more air than words, finding it difficult to look at him in the eyes, Edward mumbled, “I wanted to know if you were going to tell Bella,” he said, “about us,” after a pause. “I see,” Jacob said, the anger in him taking over, “I should have known, why else would you come to see me?” “Jacob.” “Surely not to check how I was doing.” “Jacob.” “That would require you giving a damn.” “Jacob,” said Edward slumping further and further with each of his remarks. “You came to ask me to lie, to not ruin your precious life any further,” he got on his bike and started the motor. “Jacob,” Edward said, his head downcast, but Jacob was spinning dust before he could finish. Although he hadn’t needed food in near on one hundred years, the idea that Jacob believed even one of the things he’d said in anger made Edward sick to the stomach.
Disclaimer | this is a work of Photoshop manipulation, the author of this work does not, in any way, profit from the work and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s)

Manip and notes @ my LJ

type: manipulation, pairing: edward/jacob, user: chewableprose

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