A movie poster and a Jacob/Bella manip

Apr 18, 2009 21:39

Hey guys! First of all. I'm new and this is the first movie poster that I do! I've made some manipulations before but I'm very bad at this. Well I hope you enjoy... I've not put them at my livejournal yet so you can only see them here =)


I've a problem with the LJ cut. It doesnt work! =( So i'm going to put the links here alright?
can someone solve this problem? =(

Movie poster: http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff80/lollipops-s/poster.jpg

J/B manip: http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff80/lollipops-s/ssd.jpg

If you like them. Comments
lollipops_s are lovely <3
If you wanna use them
Please, Let me know it in my livejournal

user: lollipops_s, type: manipulation, type: movie poster, pairing: edward/jacob/bella

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