- You can use old manipulations as part of your header, but you are encouraged to make new ones.
- You can enter as many headers as you want. (Please do not submit color variations of the same header, however.)
- The image should be 800 pixels wide and should be 350 pixels or less tall.
- The first place winner of this competition will win either 2 months paid time or 6 months of extra userpics.
- The header must say "Twilight Manips" or "Twilight Manipulations" relatively prominently. It may include other text if you wish, but don't let it be distracting.
- It must contain at least 4 Twilight characters, but the cast is up to you; you can use any actors or actresses you would like, not just the official cast. (This is a community for all ships, so an Edward/Bella layout isn't really what we're looking for.)
- Your header may be whatever colors you want; it does not need to match the current layout. Once we have a winning header, the moderators plan to make a layout that conforms with that header.
- Please do not post your header anywhere else. Since this is a layout competition and there is a monetary prize, we ask that the community is the only one allowed to use the winning header. After the competition, anyone who does not win first prize may do whatever they like with their artwork.
- The image must be posted as a comment to this entry (comments will be screened) by December 1st. (If not enough entries have been submitted by that time, the mods reserve the right to extend the submission date.)
- The community will decide which header they would like for the community through an anonymous vote.
If you have any questions, please comment here and I will answer as soon as possible.
Thanks to all who entered!