Dec 18, 2006 10:48
so i fell asleep around 1230 last night and woke up at 3am.. finally fell back asleep around 8 and woke back up at 845. i couldn't stop coughing. i was on really strong medicine for 10 days and that made it stop for awhile, but now that i finished that medicine it's back. that medicine was suppossed to make it go away basically. the next step was surgery.. so this morning i found out i will more than likely having surgery asap. i'm freaking scared. the surgeon that will do it has a wife who is a doctor in my moms unit and they're really close and i trust him cause i know he's good.. but this is my body. i don't want machines to have to breathe for me. i've gone under anesthesia before when i got my wisdom teeth cut out but that was an outpatient surgery, it was quick and i wasn't in an operating room. i'm going to be having my surgery at chkd. it's weird that i spend so much time there with the patients and now i'm going to be one. i'm gald i'm having my surgery there b/c i know a lot of people there and i think it's a great hospital..
i just don't want surgery :( and for them to cut my throat and chest OPEN .. fkdsjflkjsdfljdflsd
what a great christmas present. and it's going to put me behind in school and work. anatomy isn't a class that you can miss a day in, and well now i'm going to miss weeks. this sucks. :(:(:(:(