Here are a list of LIMS's with sign-up's currently open:
(I totally also reccomend you sig up to
itest_news &
vampirelims -
sign up postfocusing on a plethora of the current media's vamps!
scarlett_lims -
sign up postfocusing on the foxy lady that married Ryan 'I-should-always-be-topless' Reynolds
ruby_lims -
sign up postfeaturing the two-faced witch herself - Ruby from Supernatural
pottercastlims -
sign up postFor the Cast of 'Arry Potter no less!
lims_btvs -
sign up postBUFFY LIMS!
gaspily_lims -
sign up postGaspard + Emily LIMS, the original fancast twilight stars
b_lims -
sign up postLIMS for the show BONES. Anyone else excited for September!
emmalims -
sign up postfocusing on the starlet: Emma Watson