Title - Agency Blues
Rating - PG
Pairings - Jack/Ianto (main), Ianto/Lisa, Lisa/Gray, Tosh/Owen (hinted)
Prompt - Legally Blonde from
reel_torchwood Warnings - Probably not for Lisa fans, OOC, also some license with the Cybermen and how to destroy them
Disclaimer - Neither Legally Blonde or Torchwood are mine. If they were I'd be rich and I would've changed the end of CoE. Just writing for fun.
A/N - I had planned to follow the plot line from Legally Blonde exactly, unfortunately the plot bunnies had other idea. It starts off very similar, but veers off after that (and I mean really veers off). I hope you still enjoy it.
A/N 2 - So sorry this was meant to be posted yesterday but my computer wouldn't co-operate
Beta - The lovely
ash_1212 Summary - After being dumped by Lisa, Ianto joins the Time Agency Academy in the hopes of winning her back.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9Chapter 10