Fic - An Earlier Jump (1/5)

Apr 29, 2012 14:25

Title - An Earlier Jump (1/5)
Rating - PG-13
Pairing - None
Characters - Adam, Dean, John, mentions of Sam
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different (Like Adam not being left down in hell with two angry Archangels for example)
Spoiler - 4x18 - Jump the Shark
Warnings - Um, none, I think
Summary - Dean had known his little brother less than twenty four hours and he might have lost him already. Sequel to Hidden Plans.
A/N - So huge thanks to everyone who has reviewed the previous stories. Sorry it's taken me so long to put this up (real life unfortunately got busy). But you'll be happy to know that the story is complete and will be ~5 chapters. I hope you enjoy the newest addition :).

Driving away from the Milligan house, away from Adam, Dean wondered what the thing that was bugging him was. For a moment he thought that it might have been just because he was leaving a brother behind, a brother who wasn't protected, who wasn't even in high school yet, who had no idea how to protect himself.

But he knew that his dad was right, that they couldn't raise Adam in this world. The kid deserved a chance at a normal life and Dean wanted that for him, wanted Adam not to resent him for their lifestyle.

So it wasn't that.

It wasn't until he reached the outer limit of the town that he realized the thing that had been bugging him.

Stopping the car, he frowned, as he thought back to Adam going into the house.

The dark house.

The dark house with no lights on.

Swinging the car around, he tried to tell himself that he was just being paranoid, that not every parent would leave the lights on until their kid came home.

Except … except even John had done that, waiting up, ready to glare at him for sneaking out and trying to sneak back in when he'd been a teenager. At least when he was actually home and not out hunting that was.

His heart raced as he pulled up to the dark house again, checking that he still had his gun in its usual place, before jumping out of the car and making his way up to the front door. He told himself that he was wrong, that hunting had made him suspicious of everything, but the pit in his stomach wouldn't go away.

He banged on the door with his fist, waiting a few seconds before doing it again, his worry going up a notch.

"Adam?" he called, swallowing hard when there was no answer, his hand trying the knob, cursing to himself when he found it to be locked. "Adam!"

Deciding that he could just repair the door if he was wrong, Dean took a step back, kicking the door open and drawing his gun, quickly moving into the house. The fact that no one made any noise anywhere in the house was worrying and the house was unnaturally still. Dean had the feeling that there were no living bodies in the place, his hairs standing on end at the ominous feeling he was getting.

"Adam?" he called again, making his way through the house, knowing that the kid wouldn't have gone to bed that quickly, that his mom would've still been telling him off for running away.

After sweeping through the house twice and picking nothing up on the EMF meter, the tightness in Dean's chest increased.

He had known Adam for less than twenty four hours and already he'd let the kid down. Cursing to himself he pulled his phone out, hating the call he was about to make, but needing to know what his Dad had been doing here the first time around, and whether it might have anything to do with the Milligan's disappearance. His gut telling him that this was related to something supernatural.


"Dad," Dean replied, rubbing a hand over his face. "Adam's gone."

The silence lasted for a long moment before John spoke again.

"When?" John replied, Dean almost cringing at the hard edge to the voice. "How?"

"I dropped him off," Dean answered. "It wasn't until I was driving off that I realized something was wrong."

"I'm on my way," John replied, his voice sharp, like it was when he was worried. "Anything to go on?"

"The house is all dark," Dean said, walking through the house, trying one of the light switches, not surprised when it didn't turn on. "I've swept through twice, with EMF, but nothing seems out of place, going to take a closer look now. Dad … what were you doing here all those years ago? Could it have anything to do with what happened to Adam tonight?"

"No," John replied, his tone hard. "I finished the job, there was nothing left by the time I was done with the monster."

"Okay," Dean answered. "Well, I'll take another look, see if there's something I might have missed."

"Alright, I'll be there soon," John replied. "Watch your back, son."

"Yeah," Dean answered, chest still tight as he hung up.

Going through the house he felt frustration welling up in him, surprised when the door he was trying upstairs wouldn't budge, something blocking it from the inside. Taking a few steps back, he put his shoulder into it, biting off a groan when the door barely moved.

Taking a look through the crack, he could see a bedroom, clearly Adam's mothers, and the pit in his stomach grew. Pushing a few more times, he managed to open the door enough that he could squeeze his body inside.

Nothing seemed to be out of place, the room neat and tidy, pictures on the cupboard. He couldn't help but reach out and pick up one of the photos, seeing a blonde woman and his dad smiling.

It made something twist in his chest, a lump lodging in his throat, as he saw the happiness on his father's face.

Putting the photo back, his eyes swept around the room again, falling to a dent in the floor. Frowning, he leaned down fingers running over the gouges, heart racing as he realized they could've been caused by someone scraping their finger nails along the floor.

The gouges seemed to head under the bed and Dean quickly pushed it out of the way, cursing as he saw the small vent under the bed.

"Damn," he muttered, as he took off the grate, his fingers coming away red and sticky, strands of blonde hair coming away as well.

He'd known his little brother less than twenty four hours and he might have lost him already.


A/N - So I hope you enjoyed. As always let me know what you thought :)

charac: adam, fanfic: an earlier jump, series: becoming a winchester, charac: dean, rating: pg-13, charac: john, fandom: supernatural

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