Fic - Hidden Plans (5/5) COMPLETE

Sep 08, 2010 18:14

Title - Hidden Plans (5/5)
Rating - G
Pairing - None
Characters - Adam, Dean, John, mentions of Sam
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different (Sam not being an idiot in the fourth season, Dean not being one at the end of season 5 )
Spoiler - 4x18 - Jump the Shark
Warnings - Um, none, I think
Summary - Adam realizes that his mom and John aren't going to introduce him to his brothers. And so takes matters into his own hands. Things don't go the way he'd planned.
A/N - A huge, huge thanks to those who reviewed. You guys make my day with your comments and also convince me to write more. So I'm not too sure about this chapter, I like it, but not sure. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :). More blabbering at the end.

Chapter 5
Short Bonding Session

Sitting in the Impala, Adam couldn’t help but frown.

He’d planned on staying with his brothers, finding out more about them, playing around, doing brotherly things.

Instead, all that had happened was; he’d been hurt, had been taken to the hospital and now was being taken home.

Where he’d be grounded by his mom.

He’d known when he’d taken off that John would force him to go home, he just wished he’d had a little longer.

The only one good thing was that he had at least met Dean.

And he’d found out his dad and brother had the coolest job ever.


Against monsters.

He’d told Jeremy Right that they were real.

He couldn’t help but smile at that.

“What are you grinning about, kid?” Dean asked, looking over at him, small smile on his face.

“You guys have the coolest job ever,” he replied, smile slipping as he saw Dean’s fall.

“It’s alright,” he said, when Dean remained silent, wondering if the older boy was worried that he’d start telling everyone. “I won’t tell anyone. It’s obviously a top secret job.”

He grinned when Dean’s mouth twitched; knowing he’d said the right thing, smile widening as Dean turned the radio on, ACDC blaring out. Singing along, he wondered if there was a way he could con Dean into not taking him home, the two of them going off to hunt evil things instead.

“You like ACDC, kid?” Dean asked, shooting him a quick look.

“Yeah,” he replied enthusiastically. “Mom’s got all their albums, and I’ve listened to them a hundred times.”

“Yeah?” Dean asked, smile looking less strained. “Who else do you like?”

The rest of the drive seemed to fly by, Adam pleased to find out that he and his oldest brother had a lot in common, his stomach grumbling as they passed a diner, reminding him that he had skipped dinner.

“You hungry, kid?” Dean asked, already pulling around and heading back to the diner.

“John won’t be happy that we stopped,” he said, as they both got out of the Impala, Dean shooting him a grin.

“Figure that you’re already in big trouble,” Dean replied, as they walked into the diner, sliding into one side of the booth, Adam taking the other side. “Might as well make sure you have one last meal.”

Adam grinned at his brother, unable to stop the silly thing growing as he looked down at the menu, stomach growling again.

“Hi, boys, what can I get you?”

Adam blushed a little at the cute waitress, who had wandered over, his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth as he stared up at her.

“I’ll have a bacon burger, with fries and a coffee,” Dean said, the smile on his face making the woman’s cheeks turn red, jotting down what Dean had said before turning to him.

“I, um,” Adam started, cursing his stuttering, clearing his throat before starting again. “I’ll have the same, but with a chocolate milkshake.”

The woman wrote down his order, before leaning over and taking their menus, giving Adam a wink before walking off.

Adam watched her go, before turning back at Dean’s chuckle.

“What?” he asked, willing the heat away from his cheeks.

“I think she liked you, kid,” Dean said, waggling his eyebrows, laughing again when Adam felt the heat rush up to his ears and down his neck.

“Shut up,” Adam replied, slouching down in the booth.

“Part of the Winchester life I’m afraid,” Dean said, grinning at him. “The ladies can’t resist.”

Adam couldn’t help but laugh a little at that, grinning even wider when the largest chocolate milkshake was placed in front of him, piled with ice cream and cream, chocolate sprinkled on top.

“Cheers, sweetheart,” Dean said, winking at the waitress as she left, Adam pulling his milk shake closer, deciding then and there that he had definitely made the right decision sneaking into the Impala’s trunk.


After stopping for the food, it didn’t take them long to get back home and Adam frowned when he saw that they were almost to his house, not realizing that they were so close.

“I could come with you,” he said suddenly, turning to stare at Dean, remembering the idea he’d had before. “I could hide like I did before and then you and me, we could go hunting, just the two of us.”

“Adam,” Dean said sadly, shaking his head.

“Please?” Adam replied, leaning closer to his older brother. “I’ll be good, promise, you won’t have to do anything, I’ll look after myself.”

“Adam,” Dean sighed, turning to look at him after he stopped the car in front of his house, a pained look on his face.

“Don’t you want to know me, too?” he asked quietly, not caring that he sounded a lot younger then he was, afraid that Dean didn’t want to know him at all.

“Adam, look at me.”

Looking up at his big brother, wondering if this was it, Adam tried to ignore the stinging in his eyes.

“You’re my little brother, course I want to know you,” Dean said, punching his arm lightly. “It’s just … our job, it’s dangerous, and you should have a chance at a normal life … before realizing that you’ll never be as cool as your big brother.”

Adam smiled at the last bit, but still felt his heart drop, the stinging still there behind his eyes.

“Will you come see me?” he asked, looking down at his bag.

“Course,” Dean said, before taking a deep breath. “Want me to come up with you?”

“Nah,” he said, shaking his head, trying to push his sadness to the back of his mind. “Mom’s gonna yell and tell me I’m grounded. Which sucks cos Kelly Jones was having a party this weekend.”

“Kelly, huh?” Dean asked, nudging his shoulder.

Grinning he shrugged, cursing the blush that spread across his cheeks.

“Yeah, but now I’m grounded,” he sighed.

“Better get up there then,” Dean said, although Adam could’ve sworn he heard a catch in his throat, but when he looked up Dean was smiling at him.

“I’ll seeyah soon?” he asked, feeling his heart race a little.

“I’ll try and make it back as soon as I can. Give you a few pointers about Kelly,” Dean replied, winking at him as he got out of the car.

“Hey, kid,” Dean called, just before he shut the door, holding something out to him. “I think this is yours.”

Adam couldn’t help but smile as he took the item, looking down at the photo that he always kept with him, smiling once more at Dean before he made his way up to his front door, stumbling a little in the dark.

Turning, he waved once, before pushing open the front door and walking inside.

“Mom?” he called into the dark house. “I’m home.”


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A/N - Huge thanks to all those who followed this story. I can't say how much it means to me. A lot of you have asked whether Sam would find out about Adam in this or whether Dean would call Sam about him. Originally I had Dean try to call him at the end of this, but decided to cut it, it didn't seem to fit in with what I had in mind for the ending. So this story is just of bonding between Dean and Adam. But there will be a sequel (*cough* with why already hinted in this story) where Sam will at least be called about Adam (and maybe meet him, I'm not too sure yet, but I will write them meeting at some point).

charac: adam, series: becoming a winchester, charac: dean, rating: g, fandom: supernatural

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