Fic - Possessive - Chapter 8

Mar 13, 2010 00:41

Paul whoops as he jumps in the water, feeling himself wake up a little, after having patrolled all night. He was a little angry that he had to leave the bonfire so early, without even having the chance to talk to Jake, but he knew that patrolling meant keeping everyone, including Jake, safe.

Sam had paired him up with Embry for the patrols, which was fine with Paul. At least Embry didn’t seem to want to tease him about Jacob.

In fact, Embry wanted to know what exactly was going on between him and Jake. Paul enjoyed keeping that information away from the kid, wasn’t like he wouldn’t find out soon enough what imprinting was and that Paul had imprinted on his friend.

It wasn’t until he was walking up to the shore that he smells it, the sickly sweet smell that makes his stomach roll, and has him shaking in an instant, fighting not to phase in front of the people out for an early morning swim. He can feel the leech’s eyes on him and he grits his teeth, fighting for every inch of the control he has to stop himself.

He tries to act normal, but he knows what the blood-suckers senses are like and knows that they probably can tell that Paul knows they’re there.

As he walks up to the beach, he smiles half-heartedly at Jenny and her kids, the wolf in him getting angrier by the second. They would dare to come on their land, where their people lived.

He only just makes it, phasing almost as soon as he reaches the woods, raising his nose and taking in a deep breath, finding the leech’s scent almost immediately.

They know that there are at least three of them hanging around: a woman and two men.

They’d seen the woman, had chased her as far as the Canadian border, but this was the first time that Paul has got a clear scent on one of the males. He knows he should change back, find Sam and the others, but it isn’t in him to give up on a hunt. And it won’t be long until Sam and Jared are in wolf form. He can tell them what’s going on then.

He follows the scent, the smell of it in wolf form far worse than when in human form, but it’s a draw back that they accept.

If it means keeping the people on their land safe, it’s worth it.

He isn’t sure how long it is until he feels the gentle pulling on his mind, telling him that Sam and Embry have phased.

Paul? Sam thinks sounding confused. What are you doing?

Leech, he replies, still following the smell.

Wait for us, Sam orders and Paul can already tell that he and Jared are running towards him.

He freezes as the smell stops suddenly, feeling a pit forming in his stomach.

This isn’t right.

Vamps don’t do this kind of thing.

They either run or they stand and fight. They don’t lay traps. They think that werewolves are nothing, nothing but pets to be played with.

A growl leaves his throat, as he slowly turns around in a full circle, trying to see the leech. He’s here. Paul knows he is. Can sense it in every cell in his body.

Paul? Sam asks, clearly recognizing that Paul is worried, on edge.

Something’s wrong, Paul replies, eyes still looking around the clearing.

Run, Sam says. Paul don’t be a hero, run, we’ll hunt this thing together.

But it’s too late to run. The vampire has walked out into the clearing, red eyes shining in malice, as his eyes flick once over Paul’s wolf body.

“This would be a lot more fun if you’d change back into your human form,” the vampire says, walking slowly forward, starting to circle around where Paul is standing.

Paul simply growls in response. There is no way he’s about to phase. In this form he has half a chance; in human form the leech will have him flat on his back in no time.

The leech chuckles, the sound making the hairs on the back of Paul stand on end.

“Oh. It doesn’t matter what form you’re in, mei lupus,” the leech says, moving closer. “I’ll have you on your back in no time.”

Paul snarls and snaps at the hand the blood-sucker reaches out to him, hackles raised, anger and just a little fear running through him.

“Don’t make this harder then it needs to be,” he continues, eyes flashing. “It will be easier on you if you just give in now.”

Paul crouches down, baring his teeth. He doesn’t know what the other man is talking about, but he knows that he doesn’t want to find out.

“Pity,” the leech says, shaking his head in disappointment.

Paul rolls his eyes and lunges, going for the leech’s throat.

He yelps as he’s punched aside, the leech jumping on him before he has a chance to get up. He tries to fight the blood sucker in wolf form, scratching and biting, but he realizes pretty quickly he’s losing.

Phasing may give him the chance to throw the other off. And a punch in human form is still strong enough to daze any vampire.

He phases easier than he ever has before, but the leech seems to be expecting it, managing to stay on top of him, his hands holding Paul’s arms down, his body holding the rest of Paul’s body down.

“Expletus,” he murmurs, eyes filling with a hunger that makes Paul realize what the leech wants.

“Get off me you sick fuck,” he yells, still struggling, eyes widening as the leech leans down smile on his face and in his eyes.

He feels shock run through his system as the leech bites him on the area between his neck and shoulder. The pain is like nothing Paul has ever felt before, not like when he’d broken his arm that one time cliff diving, not like when his father died and he’d punched the wall repeatedly, not like when he’d first phased.

It’s hot and like fire, fire racing through his body, making it harder and harder for him to breath, the pump of his heart getting slower.

His struggles start to get sluggish, as his vision starts to darken, the movement of his limbs something that he can’t seem to control any more.

He sees the leech pull back, a red smudge around his mouth, the man’s eyes shining.

“Mei lupus,” the man says, hand stroking through his hair. Paul wants to pull away, but it’s like he’s paralyzed, unable to move.

“Is est mei,” he whispers, before leaning forward and taking Paul’s lips in a punishing kiss.

Paul tries to pull away but he can’t and the wolf in him is snarling so loud, that he wonders if the leech can hear him.

And then all of a sudden the blood sucker is off him, Sam having ripped the leech away, Jared standing in front of him and growling.

He doesn’t see much after that, the darkness closing in around his vision, his last thought is that he hopes Jake isn’t too hurt by his death, hopes that the Swan girl can make him happy.

A single tear escapes and runs down his cheek as he drifts away.

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A/N - *cough* so this originally was going to be a Paul/Jake chapter, but the plot bunnies had other ideas and ran on their merry way. Sorry for those looking forward to it. I promise the next one has the boys. As always, let me know what you thought :).
Translation of the words (I gotta tell you I don't really know Latin, so these could be totally wrong. LOL). -

Mei lupus - my wolf

Expletus - perfect

is est mei- This is mine

A/N 2 - Eclipse Trailer - yay or nay? I gotta admit I'm still loving Jane (DF plays her exactly like I thought)

fanfic: possessive, pairing: jake/paul, fandom: twilight

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