Fic - Possessive - Chapter 1

Feb 08, 2010 18:18

Title - Possessive
Chapter - 1 - Favour (1/14?)
Rating - R/NC-17
Pairing - Jake/Paul, canon couples
Disclaimer - Don't belong to me. If I did own it, things would be much much different. As it is, all characters and recognisable plots belong to Stephenie Meyer and her affiliates. I'm just doing this for fun!
Spoiler - Up to New Moon at least.
Summary - Possessive can be defined as "having or manifesting a desire to control or dominate another, especially in order to limit that person's relationships with others". Paul isn't the only one in La Push who's possessive.
Warnings - OOC - I thought I would put this here just in case people read it and are like 'it's OOC'. Paul isn't as angry in this story, but there is a reason for that. After all Paul calmed down a lot in BD *cough*. Not that that's hint or anything ;).
A/N - I never realised the hotness of this pairing until I read a story by xenasoul . If you like Jake/Paul and haven't read her stories, go read them, they're awesome! After reading her stories, the plot bunnies went crazy and this story was born.
A/N 2 - Started off PWP and then a plot formed, which is why it's pretty smutty in the beginning and less so as the story progresses. Sorry about that *shakes fist at plot bunnies*

Chapter 1

Narrowing his eyes, Paul watches the red truck pass, already knowing where it’s heading, and feeling the usual pull of anger and, even though he hates to admit it, jealousy.

Isabella Swan.

Even in his head, he’s unable to stop the snarl that follows. Chief Swan’s meddling, leech-loving daughter, has been coming to La Push every day this week, every day visiting Jake. Now that the leeches were gone, Jake was good enough for her to visit, to use.

Billy had told his mom that they were working on some motorcycles. Growling, he watches the truck until it was out of sight.

“Dude,” Jared asks, eating a chocolate bar, eyes looking around. “What has you all angry?”

“Nothing,” he snaps, turning back to his pack-mate. “I’m going for a run.”

Jared rolls his eyes, taking another bite, as Paul pulls off his shirt and shoes.

“I’m not taking your stuff,” Jared says, balling up the wrapper in his hands and throwing it towards the bin, whooping as it goes in. Rolling his own eyes, Paul looks around, phasing when he sees no-one who will notice, picking up the shorts he had taken off last, and taking off into the woods.

He doesn’t like to call what he’s doing spying. Watching over Jake is a valid thing. After all, he’s one of them, or will be. Sam’s sure that he’ll be the next one to go through the change, the next one to join their pack.

Paul hopes it’s soon. Hopes it’s before Bella gets her fangs into what isn’t hers. What’s his.

Growling again, he stalks through the woods, the Black’s house coming into view. The shed where Jake spent most of his time had its doors open, voices floating out. Lying down, he listens to Jake talking, the sound of his voice calming the rage that had started to build in him.

He tenses as he hears the Swan girl’s voice, but relaxes when he hears Jake again.

This has to end. Not the friendship but the flirting. Jake and Swan both need to know who it is Jake belongs to, who his loyalty should be to.

He’s not sure how long he lies there, but he sits up as he sees the girl leave. Phasing, he pulls his shorts on, wanting to see Jake before he goes home.

Walking into the garage, he feels a heat settle low in the pit of his stomach as he sees the young wolf bending over and picking up tools. As he looks up, Paul can see the surprise and confusion in his eyes.

“Um,” Jake says, hand raising and running over his head. “Hey, Paul.”

Smirking, Paul moves into the garage, hearing picking up the increased heart rate of the other.

“Hi, Jake,” he replies, stalking after the other boy as he walks over to his work bench, putting the tools away.

“Something I can help you with?” Jake asks, turning and leaning against the bench, arms folded in front of him. Paul lets his eyes run over him, appreciating how much Jake has changed over the past few months.

“Mmm,” he replies, still stalking towards him, crowding Jake’s space, arms leaning on the bench on either side of the other boy, trapping him. “Actually there is.”

Jake’s heart skips a beat, before doubling its rate, his pupils dilating.

“Um, okay,” he mutters, posture screaming discomfort, while Paul’s other senses pick up his subconscious arousal.

Paul watches as Jake licks his lower lip. Fighting the urge in him that just wants to push up against the other boy and take the mouth in a heated kiss. But he knows that that would just chase the other boy away. He has to take it slow … at least for now.

Dragging his eyes away from the mouth, he looks into Jake’s eyes, slow smirk crossing his face, as he sees that the boy’s pupils are huge.

“My dad left me this old car,” he says, closing the distance a little, taking in Jake’s scent, making him half-hard. “I was wondering if you could help me fix it up.”

Jake’s eyes stray from his, down to his mouth, before flicking up and over his shoulder, frown causing lines to mar his forehead.

“Maybe,” Jake replies. “Uh, kinda busy at the moment.”

Fighting the urge to growl, he squashes down his anger, shrugging.

“Just need you to really have a look at the motor,” Paul says, willing the other boy to agree. “Just a day.”

He can see the answer even before Jake opens his beautiful mouth. Black always was too nice.

“Sure,” Jake says, nodding, gulping visibly, as Paul moves slightly closer, mouth a hair breadths away, breaths brushing across his mouth, Jake’s short pants fluttering against his.

“Thanks,” he says, pushing away suddenly and walking backwards towards the door, holding in the grin that wants to cross his face at the slightly lost and confused look on Jake’s face.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, as he slips out the door, grinning, as he walked back towards the woods.

Tomorrow was going to be the day where everything changed.

Next >>

A/N - So let me know what you thought :).

fanfic: possessive, pairing: jake/paul, fandom: twilight

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